Mission 03: I don't have a brother

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Author's POV

In the Redgrave mansion, slowly wakes up from the sun light passing through the window. She sits up, gives a little yawn while stretching her arms up.

Rias: "Good Morning, Y/n-kun."

She look to the side of her bed to see it is empty. She look to the coat rack to see Y/n's coat is gone as well, indicating that Y/n went on a job.

Rias: "I wish you could've told me that your going on a job. I would've made you breakfast."

She gets up from the bed, walk towards the bathroom to freshen up while changing her clothes there. After that, she heads downstairs to make breakfast for everyone.

She starts up with the basics like, coffee, bacon, eggs and toast.

???: "Oh, you already beat me here."

She turns  by the door and saw Akeno just finished tying up her hair.

Rias: "Morning, Akeno."

Akeno: "I was planning on making breakfast first, but you beat me to it. Where's Y/n?"

Rias: "He already left for a job. He wasn't even there when I woke up."

Akeno grabs the plates on the cabinet and set it up to the table. After they're finished, the rest of the girls heads down to the kitchen.

Rias: "Morning, everyone. The food will be ready in a minute."

Irina: "Finally! Summer break is here!"

Xenovia: "What do you plan on the summer, Irina?"

Irina: "Well, I can do whatever I want if Lord Michael doesn't have anything to do. What about you guys?"

Kuroka: "Well, pretty much just stay here, watch some TV, play some videogames and all other things. Maybe I can even make some cute little kittens with Y/n.~"

Xenovia: "I thought that the President wants to have a baby with Y/n first?"

Rias: "I do. Because I'm the Alpha here."

Kuroka: "Well, if you want to have the first baby, then I'll have the most babies with him.~"

Koneko(Blush): "O-Onee-chan!"

Then Rias and Akeno serves the breakfast and everyone digs in.

???: "Y/n?! Are you here?!"

They look by the door and saw Ahri rushed in.

Rias: "Ahri? What's wrong?"

Ahri: "Where's Y/n?! I need to talk to him something important!"

Rias: "Y/n's not here. He already left for a job."

Ahri: "What time will he come back?!"

Rias: "Depends on his job if he can finish it early. Why, what's wrong? Why are you in a panic?"

Ahri sits down on one of the chair.

Ahri: "Okay. So the other day, me and the girls are waiting for Sera to come to the office to sign her contract with us. Then she has her boyfriend with her."

Rossweisse: "What's wrong with that?"

Ahri: "But her boyfriend looks exactly like Y/n. But he has red hair and white coat."

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