chapter 27

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As Levi walked on the street, he caught a lot of confused stares from everyone that walked past him. He wasn't utterly surprised. He was certain, thanks to the reflection he saw from car windows, that he looked like he'd risen from the dead. 

His limp didn't help either.

Neither did that fact that he had no clue where he going so he was kind of wandering in circles. That was until he saw a very familiar head of dirty blond hair running round a corner.

The boy trailed after him, very slowly due to the fact that he felt as if his leg was about to fall off, whatever that old bastard did to him had really done a number. 

When he turned the corner, all traces left of the beta had disappeared. 

All apart from the small sense of fear mixed with a large scent of confidence that left a trail.

Literally the only thing he ever had from the Lahey boy at any given time. 


The Powis teen limped, rolling his eyes as he felt like he was going at the pace of a snail. There was a lot of crashes and yells from inside the building, giving him relief as it wasn't too far away.

He quickened his face, cringing as the pain spread through his body once more. It was like he was getting kicked to death all over again. 

Finally, he reached the wide open entrance. It was dark inside, but the light peeked through, giving him enough vision to see the absolute carnage happening inside. 

Derek and Scott laid on the ground, panting, out of breath as they looked at something with wide eyes. Fear practically seeped off of them.

Two more men stood elsewhere, watching just as he was, except one seemed a lot more scared than the other.

One looked familiar to him, like he'd seem him in a dream, which made him more confused than anything because he was certain they'd never met before.

Then, the boy turned to follow Scott's eye line, seeing it set on the one thing he wished didn't happen today: Isaac knelt on the ground, two knives stuck into his ribs as his face contorted to show his pain.

Behind him?

Allison Argent.

After everything, she still came today. 

She still fought on the wrong side, she's still trying to kill the only person who he can relate to, who can understand what he feels, the person who helped him when he felt powerless. 

She was trying to kill him.

And Levi couldn't stand it.

He focused on the feeling of pain that Isaac was feeling, making him wince as it suddenly struck across his body. He turned his gaze to the brunette, willing the pain be spread to her too. He just wanted her to feel how they had all felt in the past week. 

Stiles, Isaac, himself.

They'd all been hurt by her, and he just wanted her to feel it.

And she sure as hell did,

The werewolves and her father all looked in shock as Allison suddenly yelled out in pain and hunched over, allowing Isaac to fall to the floor. 

She screamed and held onto her ribs, exactly where she'd stabbed the dirty blond. 

Scott's lips parted as he searched for Jackson, thinking he'd rushed off after striking her, but then his eyes fell on a still Levi, who was glaring right at the girl.

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