Geh, wilder Knochenmann!
Ich bin noch jung, geh, Lieber!
Und rühre mich nicht an."DER TOD
"Gib deine Hand, du schön und zart Gebilde!
Bin Freund und komme nicht zu strafen.
Sei gutes Muts! Ich bin nicht wild,
Sollst sanft in meinen Armen schlafen!"ENG TRANSLATION
The Maiden:
"Oh! leave me! Prithee, leave me! thou grisly man of bone!
For life is sweet, is pleasant.
Go! leave me now alone!
Go! leave me now alone!"Death:
"Give me thy hand, oh! maiden fair to see,
For I'm a friend, hath ne'er distress'd thee.
Take courage now, and very soon
Within mine arms shalt softly rest thee!"- Der Tod und das Madchen, Matthias Claudius, 1774
Der Tod und das Madchen: "Death and the Maiden", a recurring motif in German Renaissance art, usually depicting a young woman being seized by a personification of death... Also known as the "dance of death"...
Der Tod und das Mädchen (Hellboy fanfic)
HorrorBerlin, 1936 Prima Ballerina Elisabeth Leitner, a woman of mixed heritage, was forced to perform in front of members of the National Socialist Party. Her performance was a dangerous tightrope act, risking not only her freedom and livelihood but her...