chapter 12

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Y/n woke up in a room hanging in the air, two Grimm hands were holding his arms and keeping him in the air. Y/n tried to get out of the grip of the Grimm's hands but couldn't, Y/n then looked forward to seeing the door open and Salem walked into the room she started to walk around Y/n.

Salem " I'm glad you're awake. "

Y/n " You stole my semblance. "

Salem " Yes I did now you can't run your way out of here, now then will you join my side or do we have to continue persuading you? "

Salem stopped in front of Y/n and looked at him in the eyes, Y/n just spat on Salem.

Salem " [ wiped it off ] That was rude but I have your answer [ walks to the door ] you're making this harder than it needs to be. "

Salem then left the room and Yang walked in, she walked up to Y/n and started to punch him in the ribs over and over again.

Yang " Y/n please I don't like punching my brother just join us. "

Y/n didn't answer he just looked away from his sister so she grabbed his mouth and pulled his head towards her so he was now looking at her, Y/n then saw Ruby and Summer walk in.

Yang " Mom please talk some sense into our brother and your son. "

Yang let go and walked away from Y/n, Summer walked up to Y/n and put her hand on his cheek.

Summer " Please son no one here likes seeing you tortured to this extent please just join us. "

Y/n didn't answer but kept looking at Summer.

Summer " Y/n answer me. "

Y/n " Fuck you. "

Summer " Don't talk to your mother like that! "

Summer slapped Y/n across the cheek, Y/n then started to pull his arms down straining the Grimm's hands. Eventually, the Grimm's hands snapped in half and Y/n dropped to the floor onto his knees. Ruby then used her semblance to speed behind Y/n and restrain his arms, Yang then charged at Y/n and put him in a headlock. Summer then walked up to Y/n and started to ruffle his hair.

Summer " Please Y/n this is growing tiresome. "

Y/n just headbutted Summer, Ruby and Yang then when they were recovering Y/n ran out of the room. Y/n then ran throughout the castle looking for an exit, finally he found it and smashed his shoulder into it opening it. When it did Y/n kept running, he looked around to see :

Y/n then felt around his pockets for his scroll and found it, he then used it to contact Ozpin

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Y/n then felt around his pockets for his scroll and found it, he then used it to contact Ozpin.

Ozpin " Y/n where are you? "


Ozpin " OK we're working on it ... we have it an airship is flying towards your position now It'll only be a few minutes. "

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