chapter 4

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Y/n woke up in a room tied up to a chair with his combat clothes on a table nearby, all that Y/n was wearing was his jeans and shoes his shirt and hoodie were with his combat clothes. His weapons were still at Beacon and he has no idea where his scroll is then Roman walked into the room, pulled up a chair and sat in front of Y/n.

Roman " Sup little blur you feeling OK? "

Y/n " Not that you care but no Winter sold me out, I'm cold and I feel like you kept hitting my head into things. "

Roman " You're right I don't care but just to let you know Winter did meet Weiss, they talked and Winter returned to Beacon. She told Ozpin what she did and she is facing consequences for her actions but still, a huntsman fancy that, any way you're probably wondering why I have you here and not with Salem. It's simple she doesn't know I have you neither does your mother or sisters they didn't even care when I told them about what you did at dust till dawn. "

Y/n " Can we just skip to the part where you start torturing me for information about Beacon? "

Roman " [ grinning ] If you wish [ walks to another table with bats, dust, crowbars and knuckle dusters ] you see I asked Salem what I could do to you to bring you to her and she said anything but he has to be in one piece, but she didn't say anything about your condition. "

Roman picked up a crowbar and walked back to Y/n then placed it under his chin.

Roman " ( sincere ) I actually don't like to torture people not like this anyway It was more the woman's idea than mine. "

Roman then swung the crowbar and Y/n's ribs cracking a couple of them then Roman hit Y/n in the thigh with the crowbar.

Roman " I don't think you'll be using your semblance any time soon. "

Y/n " [ groaning ] ( barely getting his words out ) Hehe you ... hit like a bitch. "

Roman " Oh really then I'll try something different. "

Roman went back to the table and picked up the knuckle dusters then threw a massive right hook at Y/n, it hit Y/n in the face sending Y/n's head to the side.

Y/n " Argh now It's a party ... ( cockily ) Is that all you got? "

Roman then sent a barrage of punches at Y/n all hitting and breaking a couple of bones in his torso or making his face swell up.

Roman " How's that? "

Y/n " ... ( weakly ) Better. "

Roman " Good you know one of Salem's lackeys as you call them is sort of a scientist and wanted to know what would happen if you ate lightning dust, let's help him with his experiment. "

Roman walked back to the table and picked up the dust it wasn't in crystal form but actual dust, Roman walked over to Y/n and tried to force-feed him but Y/n kept his mouth shut.

Roman " Don't make this harder than it needs to be ... [ had enough ] You know what Neo get in her. "

Just then Neo walked in twirling her umbrella.

Roman " I need some help Y/n won't open his mouth for his medicine [ shakes the dust ] can you be a dear and help me? "

Neo nodded innocently and walked up to Y/n she then started to pummel Y/n with her umbrella after a couple of minutes but it felt like hours for Y/n she stopped, Neo then tilted Y/n's head up and Roman grabbed his chin and they both prise Y/n's mouth open.

Roman " Here you go eat up. "

Roman poured the dust into Y/n'd mouth and he swallowed it, both Neo and Roman backed away and saw Y/n starting to shake vigorously.

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