chapter 8

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It had been two days since Y/n had returned to Tai's house in patch, on the day before Y/n found out that Ozpin had told team JNPR to stay near Tai's house to protect him. Right now Y/n was at a blacksmith's shop waiting for the blacksmith to return with Y/n's new gun, Y/n knew the blacksmith as Y/n asked them to teach Y/n how to make his weapon. Then the blacksmith walked in with a box.

Blacksmith " Hello Y/n ready to see your new gun? "

Y/n " Hell yeah what you got for me? "

The blacksmith then opened the box to show Y/n this :

Blacksmith " I call it the Roses thorn it holds 30 bullets of either normal rounds, dust rounds or even rubber rounds

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Blacksmith " I call it the Roses thorn it holds 30 bullets of either normal rounds, dust rounds or even rubber rounds. There are two modes single-fire mode and a three-round burst mode, both are deadly. I made it easier to load magazines into it, easier to hold and It's as light as It could be. "

Y/n "It's beautiful. "

Y/n took it out of the box and then started to twirl it around then put it in the holster, he then took it out and pointed it at the window and then put it back away.

Y/n " It feels good to use. "

Blacksmith " It looks good in your hands. "

Y/n " Thanks dude you've already received the payment, haven't you? "

Blacksmith " Yep. "

Y/n " Alright thanks dude see ya next time. "

Blacksmith " Bye Y/n. "

Y/n exited the blacksmith's shop and used his super speed to run home, he saw Tai playing with Zwei :

Y/n exited the blacksmith's shop and used his super speed to run home, he saw Tai playing with Zwei :

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Tai " Hey Y/n you heading to Mistral now? "

Y/n " Yeah you sure you're gonna be OK? "

Tai " Yeah I have Zwei to keep me company anyway, bye Y/n. "

Y/n " Bye Dad. "

Y/n and Tai hug, then Y/n pets Zwei and after he does he uses his super speed again to start running to Mistral. It took him over 10 minutes to get there and Y/n stopped at a gas station, Y/n then walked into it and picked up water then paid for it at the front.

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