The First Test

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The girls walked into a room.

"I recognize this place," Bloom said. "It's the Vortex of Flames!"

"It is a beautiful place," Aisha commented.

"I wonder what the first test is going to be."

A fire hand grabbed the girls.

"Whoa!" they shouted.

The girls landed in front of a large flame.

"Welcome, wielders of the Pyrix power," a voice said. "This is your first test. You must defeat the fire eaters before they defeat you. You have ten minutes to do this. Begin."

"Oh no! Ten minutes?" Stella fretted. "That's not enough time!"

"Calm down, Stel," Electra replied. "We will succeed. We just need a plan."

Aisha was impressed by how well she is doing. That's what waiting for the right time to strike means! she thought.

"There are eight of them, same as us," Tecna observed. "Let's figure out how to defeat them."

Electra closed her eyes. "Pyrix Vision!"

"We don't have time for this! Think quickly!" Stella said impatiently.

"Shh! Let Electra focus!" Flora replied. "There's no time to act impulsively."

Electra opened her eyes. "I got an idea," she finally spoke up. "Surround them, girls!"

"Five minutes left," the voice boomed.

The girls surrounded the eight fire eaters.

"Pyrix convergence! Flame Storm!" Bloom called.

Eight brightly colored flames struck the fire eaters, defeating them.

"Yes!" Stella cheered.

"And with three minutes to spare!" Tecna added.

"Well done, Pyrix fairies," the voice said. "You have defeated the fire eaters in seven minutes, faster than the eight Pyrix fairies who were before you. Now, I will show you how the sword of Domino was forged."

Flames cleared up to pave a walkway for the girls.

Bloom opened the door.

"This is where the original fire sword was made. It originally belonged to Fiamma, the previous wielder of the fire sword. She used it to enter the Legendarium, but failed this first test you girls passed."

"That is so interesting!" Bloom commented. "I didn't know that the sword of Domino belonged to another fire fairy who entered here!"

"You have passed one test; only six more to go. Good luck."

Blue light swirled around the girls, teleporting them to a different location.

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