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"Is this... a rainforest?" Flora asked.

"Yes," a voice replied. "You are in the Magic Rainforest for your third test. You must face Diana, the major fairy of nature. She is out there to destroy humanity for hurting the plants and animals in this rainforest. You have ten minutes. Begin."

Diana flew towards Flora.

"Buttercup Vortex! Ugh!" Flora conjured vines to wrap around Diana, preventing her from moving. "We may have weakened you indirectly before, but you won't harm humanity for harming nature!"

"Was it not humans who destroyed the oceans?" Diana asked rhetorically. "I shall avenge nature because of them. Nature, go and attack!"

Animals careened towards the girls.

"Cheetah Pounce!" Roxy sent blue footprints at the animals, knocking them down.

"Easy, Roxy," Electra cautioned. "We can't hurt them. Sure, Diana is hurt because humans destroyed the oceans, but we can't beat her like this. Mia taught me that kindness is the best revenge. Be kind to her, and maybe she'll stop attacking."

"Good thinking!" Flora replied. "I'll try that." She walked over to Diana and loosened her vine spell. "Excuse me, Diana. I know how much you've been hurt by humanity, but they aren't all that bad.

"You... you really think that?" Diana asked.

"Yes. Allow me to help you restore nature. You'll see that the hurt you feel can be transformed into a healing force that you can share with others."

Diana agreed and linked hands with Flora and Roxy.

A green light restored the forest to its former glory.

"You did well, Pyrix fairies," the voice said. "Sometimes, it's best not to attack. Kindness is the best weapon. Now I will show you how the Lymphean flower arrow and the scepter of Earth were forged."

The girls were led down to a patch of flowers.

"The flower arrow and earthen scepter were made here. Lila was the former wielder of the flower arrow, and the other wielder of the earthen scepter was Dahlia. They didn't pass the test the way you girls did; they were too busy attacking Diana instead of using kindness to get her to stop harming humans."

"Kindness is truly the best revenge," Electra replied.

"Three tests passed, only four remain. Good luck"

The girls were teleported to their next location.

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