The Avatar returns

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The whole village waited for Aang and Katara to come back from wherever they were, turns out they all saw the flare go off. As Aang and Katara came into view the children cheered and rushed towards Aang. Sokk walked forward, "I knew it ! You signaled the Fire Nation with that flare ! You're leading them straight to us aren't you ?" Sokka accused Aang.

"Sokka, calm down, I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation for all this." Asami assured her friend.

"There is. Aang didn't do anything. It was an accident." Katara explained.

"Yeah, we were on the ship and there was this boobytrap and, well, we...we boobied right into it." Aang agreed.

"See, Sokka. It was just an accident."

"That's exactly what he wants you to think, Asami !"

"Katara, you shouldn't have gone on that ship." Gran-gran said, "Now, we could all be in danger !"

"Don't blame Katara. I brought her there. It's my fault." Aang said, defending Katara.

"Aha ! The traitor confesses ! Warriors, away from the enemy. The foreigner is banished from our village ! You get away from him too, Asami, I don't you anywhere near this ."

"Sokka, you're making a mistake!" Katara said

"No, I'm keeping my promise to Dad. I'm protecting you from threats like him !"

"Aang is not our enemy ! Don't you see ? Aang's brought us something we haven't had in a long time; fun."

"Fun ? We can't fight firebenders with fun." Sokka scolded.

"You should try it sometime." Aang suggested.

"Get out of our village, now !" Sokka ordered.

"Sokka !" Asami scolded him for being so rude.

"Grandmother, please, don't let Sokka do this." Katara begged.

"Katara, you knew going on that ship was forbidden. Sokka is right. I think it best if the airbender leaves."

"Fine ! Then I'm banished, too ! Come on, Aang, let's go." Katara said as she pulled Aang towards Appa.

"Where do you think you're going ?" Sokka questioned his sister.

"To find a waterbender. Aang is taking me to the North Pole. Asami, you're welcome to join us."

"She is ? Great." Aang said cheerfully

"Katara, would you really choose him over your tribe ? Your own family ? Even Asami is staying, and that's saying something !" Katara stopped walking and pondered her brother's words. She couldn't choose someone she'd met the day before and people she'd known her whole life, it just felt wrong.

"Katara, I don't want to come between you and your family." Aang assured her before climbing onto Appa.

"So, you're leaving the South Pole ? This is goodbye ?"

"Thanks for penguin sledding with me.

"Where will you go ?"

"Guess I'll go back home and look for the airbenders." Aang said. Poor thing didn't know that the entire race was wiped out, years ago, Asami thought. "Wow, I haven't cleaned my room in a hundred years. Not looking forward to that. It was nice meeting everyone."

"Let's see your bison fly, now, air boy." Sokka challenged making Asami nudge his side.

"Come on, Appa, you can do it. Yip, yip." Aang said flicking the reigns making the bison stand up.

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