Chapter 1 | Bitter like burnt syrup

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"Boys will make fun of the girls they like."
It's what every mother tells their daughter while she cries in her arms that a boy picked on her at school.

While it might not be true for some, it is true in the case of Chester towards Mandy. Where did this even start??

At the beginning of highschool, they were randomly put together as desk mates, Mandy took a liking to the boy she was put with, but it quickly changed when he started making different pranks and jokes towards her.
At first she didn't mind it, but sometimes the jokes would even get her in tears of frustration.

Chester meant no harm, for him it was the only way he thought he could get attention from Mandy, a girl that he found painfully pretty since the beginning of highschool. She was the kind of girl that was sweet and smiley towards everyone, but then rolled her eyes right after. Only he noticed that. She was also the kind of girl that cared for her academics so much that she spends extra time in the library. Only he noticed that.

Notice upon notice, as much as she disliked the jokes, Chester knew her best and she couldn't help but develop a crush through all those negative feelings. This sums up the backstory of their situationship, so we should dive right into the story!


Chemistry project? Sweet! Just another easy grade, well that was Mandy's first thought as she waited for her teacher to decide on her project partner. Names after names were called, Mandy drew in her notebook as she waited, and waited, until..

"Mandy and Chester, your subject will be..."

The teacher continued to speak, and Mandy pressed her pencil against her paper so hard that the tip broke off and it left a mark on her drawing. She didn't even hear the full sentence as she turned around to look at the redhair next to her.

Chester was more than satisfied! He had a smile as he noted the subject down, but when he turned his gaze towards Mandy, all he saw was a bitter expression and an eye twitch from her.
"What's wrong Manders? The teacher made a good choice, sweet!"
the phrase was followed by a quiet jester-like laugh that he had.

"More like bitter.. bitter like burnt syrup."
Mandy commented but then turned towards her notebook, trying her best to fix the hole that the pencil pierced through her paper, tho it didn't seem to work.

Chester on the other hand was now distracted, even when she was mad, Mandy was just.. perfect. The slight pout and red tint in her cheeks whenever she gave that bitter look was just pretty, he couldn't even feel judged by that look.

There were a lot of aspects of Mandy that Chester liked, but we will discover them more throughout the story!

AN:: Hello!This is my first time writing a story, updates wont be constant but ill try to write as much as I can. I hope you enjoy the story, and constructive criticism is appreciated!

~520 words

Why? It's because I like you. | Mandy x ChesterWhere stories live. Discover now