Chapter 5 | Roses

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~📍 Fang's house ~

"Dude I don't know what to do!"

Chester, Fang, and Edgar also coincidentally decided to have a sleepover. The subject was the same, Chester was the only one behind on the valentine's dance.

"Calm down man, you can invite her in a classic way, y'know flower and chocolates."
Fang suggested as he sat comfortably in his gaming chair, with a can of soda in his hand.
"But what advice can I give on girls, I'm going to the dance with Buster."

Edgar raised an eyebrow at the both of them, if he recalled last years valentines, flowers wouldn't work for Mandy.
"Chester, you like, totally can't get her flowers. Last year he got her a bouquet"
He did the "" sign with his hands, as it was a fake bouquet.
"and when she grabbed onto the flowers they sprayed water in her face!"

Fang seemed shocked, but Chester snorted remembering last year's prank, it was funny for him but he wasn't aware that it bothered Mandy.
"That's a classic."

"Yeah you're definitely a lost case, I don't see how she could take you seriously anymore. Why do you even do all those jokes on her?"

Chester sighed deeply trying to recall his reasonings,
"It's just that, I really REALLY like her, ever since we started highschool. But I don't know I guess I just want her reaction from all that stuff."

"Deep dude."
Edgar commented from his claimed corner.
"What if you write her a letter? Like, an anonymous one."

That was genius. Chester immediately agreed to the idea.


~📍 School hallways ~

The following day, Mandy was walking down the hallway with Emz. She was just going to take her books for the next class, but when she opened the locker—

"Oh. My. God."
Emz said before happily shaking Mandy at what was there.
"Girl someone got you flowers!"

"Huh? Emz it's not THAT serious, stop shaking me like that!"
She reached for the rose bouquet and looked at the dark red flowers, they looked so pretty.. in between the flowers there was an envelope that wasn't signed at all.

"So, an anonymous confession? Maybe they'll reveal themselves at the dance?"
Emz asked as she looked at the envelope, it had red and green hearts drawn all over.

Mandy didn't reply and just opened it, taking the folded piece of paper inside and unfolding it. A warm feeling took over her as she read the contents of the letter. It was in fact a confession, but there was no hint as to who wrote it whatsoever!
"Do you recognise the handwriting?"

"Not really, this is so #secretive!"
Emz was more excited than Mandy! Atleast she thought so, but Mandy was more than excited, she felt all kinds of stuff! She's never gotten a confession like this.

"Emz I'll talk to you after class, gotta go!"
And just like that, she took the books she needed and ran off to class. Shortly after Chester went next to her to his seat, a small smile threatening to expose him when he saw the flowers.

"I'm assuming you got asked out?"
He asked while nudging Mandy with his elbow, obviously he was the one that got the flowers but he played along for the moment being.

"It's more like a confession, I think whoever sent this will be at the dance."
She replied as she showed the letter to Chester.

He looked over its contents as if he wasn't the one to write it,
"Ohh he seems like a romantic, I wish him the best of luck with your stubborness"

Mandy stuck her tongue out at Chester and his stupid comments
"You're just jealous cause I'll have a valentine!"

"And who said I wont?"
He smiled after that, thinking Mandy would take the hint, but she just assumed that meant Chester invited someone else out.

Just as she was about to say something back, the teacher walked in and class started. Well that's inconvenient, Mandy bottled whatever she had to say and paid attention to classes instead.

~680 words

Why? It's because I like you. | Mandy x ChesterWhere stories live. Discover now