5 *hospital?*

6 0 0

Yn: ".........."
Pat: *..........*

⚠️Warnings: blood, vomit...⚠️


Pat leaves and now I am left here, all alone in this freezing cold apartment.
Now, I was sitting on the floor in my own puddle of blood.
One good thing is : I stopped vomiting blood.
But, there are many bad things about this.
Shit, why did Pat knee me in the fucking guts?
I hate that man, I should've just really put poison in those pancakes.
They were delicious but he said "did you mix the salt and sugar up or some?".
Like bro, you know I didn't do that.
He's such an ass, fucker.

And now he feels bad for me, you should have seen his face when I slapped him.
He was hurt, by me, for the first time.
But he knew he deserved it, so that's at least something.
I think he now realizes how much a slap can actually hurt.
And that's without the mental pain, the worst pain.
Mental pain, is the pain that doesn't let you stand up in the morning or makes yourself feel bad about something you shouldn't feel bad about.
It is definitely the worst pain, and I hate it.
Why didn't I fight back this time, and stop him from choking me?, are the kind of questions that fill my mind.

The urge to vomit came once again.
I bend over and let it all out, blood, chunky textured blood, in this slimy, thick, deep red substance.
I taste the blood on my tongue, it tastes like some sort of metal, disgusting in this case.
Oh shit what am I gonna do about this?
Should I go to the hospital, no they can't know my name.
I can't just come in there with mask and everything and say "sup I'm venom and I need your help, I'm vomiting blood", or can I?
Is it worth it?
No...or yes?
I hope it calms down in like an hour.
If not, I go, but if it does, I do not go.
That's the plan, yup that's the plan.
Excellent right?, sitting here in your own blood and vomiting up blood?
I just love it here.
No seriously I need to do something about it.

I stand up, and damn everything spins for a second before returning to normal.
I walk over to the bathroom and quickly open the door.
I hold the closest thing to me which is the sink.
I immediately close my eyes, shut tight.
I was going to fall unconscious that's why I did it.
My grip tightens around the counter which is all around the sink.
Fucking hell, what did he do to me?
I slowly open my eyes and am met by my reflection in the mirror.
Everything is one big haze and spinny.
Oh god maybe I should get to the bloody hospital.

But then I hear the door creak open, and I see a scared Pat staring at me, I catch his reflection in the mirror.
"What do you want now?"
*I uh I g-got medicine against the throwing up...b-blood.*
"Sure it isn't poison?"
*Oh come on accept the help, just please.*
"Fine bring it over, thanks."
He slowly steps towards me and his reflection in the mirror gets bigger.
*Look I'm so-*
"Shut up, and give it."
He just nods and throws the bag of medicine and whatever on the counter.

I rapidly open the plastic farmacy bag and find some pills against vomiting and some antibiotics.
I immediately take dimenhydrinate , the drug against the vomiting.
Hopefully it'll stop the hematemesis.
Hematemesis or the medical term for vomiting (blood).
As soon as I plop the small tablet into my mouth...a bitter taste overtakes my taste buds.
The little protective coating around the tablet dissolves and it leaves the bitter taste.
I quickly turn on the sink and drink some water as it leaves the sink in a heavy stream.

he bitter taste soon leaves my tongue but still leaves a small aftertaste.

*The fuck did I do?*
He said with slight disbelief and worry tinging his voice.
I stand back upright turning around and facing him.
"I can't take this anymore"
*I know, but please just give me another chance...*
"Seriously?!, hah after all you've put me through, Pat...maybe, but I need to think about it..."
Did this dumbass actually think I'd stay with him after all of this, I just said that to get his hopes up.
*I'll give you time to think about it...*
"I need my time alone, now Pat."
He quickly nodded and left the bathroom, closing the door softly behind him.

Now I at least had an excuse to leave, but I needed something even better, a mission, a murder, cartel...just something.
I needed to change my plans quickly, make a plan for when it is time to leave.
The medication started working pretty quickly it kicked in after an hour or so.
At least Pat felt bad for me and went bug medication, I didn't expect this nice action from him.
I mean like I also don't think he would liked having a murder on his name, but still it's pretty nice of him.
The taste of blood fades away and I taste nothingness, better then blood or a bitter taste.

My neck is already starting to bruise again, so do my ribs.
Luckily I didn't need to go to the hospital, all thanks to Pat...yay.
I didn't even know what was going through his mind when he kicked me in the guts, he could've killed me.
Everything was always my fault, and I was getting totally sick of it.
I need to leave, soon, before I get attached again.
This isn't good, at all, and I'm scared not only for me...
I thank the Lord that I'm alive and that he let me escape death once more...
Yeah I nearly died a few times on missions.
Well this was it for now I guess...now all I need to do is, pray, hope and plan.

★!¡ A:N : proud of me that I finished this part, I did a shit tone of research for this part.
It took me also way to long to finish this part, but I did it!
So...yet another part out, I hope you enjoyed!
I don't know if all the information is right, I just looked it up on Google!
Hopefully she'll find an even better reason to leave...
I know this part was short and sorry for that, but oh well.
Pat helped, for once, how good of him right, haha just kidding.
I don't have anything else to say to be honest with ya.
That was all!
Thanks for reading this story and supporting me 🙏🏽 🛐 🙂 🕵🏽‍♀️ .
Word count: 1234.
Ok bye lovey's 😔.
Love y'all so so much 💗.

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★!¡ A:N : closed ¡!

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⏰ Last updated: May 31 ⏰

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