2 *life...*

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It was just a normal morning, my alarm blared harshly besides me as it was telling me to ¡get the fuck up!
But did I really want to wake up, already, and spend a day with my toxic boyfriend, Pat?
No, I surely didn't want to do that, but I was planning on breaking up with him either way...
You probably think : hm it can't be that bad, right?
Well, it is that bad, believe me.
He's abusive mentally and physically.
He rapes me sometimes, when I really don't want to.
He's a horny fucking bastard sometimes.
And he always gets what he wants...
The worst part is that he beats me up, on a daily basis.

He's an addict, cocaine, meth and ecstasy, perfect right?
He said he stopped, but that's one of the many things he lies about.
You can clearly see that he's using, of his reddened and puffy eyes, and the fresh almost mosquito bite like puffed and red little circles on his arms from where he injects the liquid gold.
I want to help him but I just can't.
And if you're asking why doesn't she come up for herself and go to the police?
It isn't that easy, see I'm a (secret) spy, and that needs to stay like that...a secret.
I have many secrets, I know a lot about people, but people don't know much about me.
I'm a very introverted person.
Unlike Pat, he's a total extrovert.
He goes to parties and comes home late at night.
If you wonder how I know that, well we live together.
Worst decision of my life.
Well maybe second worst, my job being nr. 1.
And when he comes home, late at night, he reeks like alcohol and is as drunk as a person sleeping on the operating table in the hospital.
I wonder how he can even walk when he's that drunk... he's basically passed out, but somehow he can always find his way back home.
Weird...I know, I need to fucking break up with that bastard but need a good reason to...don't have one yet.

It's been a very rocky road in-between the two of us, we broke up twice but somehow we always ended back together.
He wants to have a kid, yeah no way he's getting that from me.
Of course he doesn't know that I'm the world's most famous spy.
Oh yeah more about that, I've only really been going on missions/spying since two or something like that years.

I haven't been famous for to long...I don't know if I even like being famous it puts this extra pressure on me, which serves for absolutely nothing.
I'm glad nobody knows though, or that I haven't told anyone.
I love doing my job, but it's really hard sometimes.
It has great consequences which I consider each and every time I leave this house, this town, this country, to go on another mission.
I have no idea how people I know don't fucking know that I'm venom.
Venom yes that was the name everyone gave me.
A deadly , but sometimes helpful liquid which spreads itself over everything once in contact...
This was my dream, saving people and beating of so called bad guys.
I am hunted down by literally everyone : FBI , CIA, police, special forces, military...name it and it'll be hunting me down.
I don't get why though, ok ok I do kill quite a bit, but I save way way more people...
You could consider me as a bad person though...but I just want to do good for the world, absolutely no bad things.
Some people think I want to start a fucking war, hah how lame of them.

My alarm blared harshly besides me, once again, telling me to !get the fuck up¡
Dang it an hour had already passed, and I had just been laying here thinking about life and what to do about it.
I didn't realize until I turned my neck, that it hurt...a lot.
Jeez it's fucking stiff, why?
Oh I know why that's from Pat, he chocked me yesterday, not in a good way.
In a more abusive way.
That reminds me that I really can't do this anymore, I would if I could kill him and chop him up in little pieces, then go to the dog park and let them eat him.
Yeah that's what he's doing to me, I hate him but I really need a good reason to break up with him and leave his stupid ass.
The last two times he broke up with me, just because he had found another side fling.
But they shortly after left him, once they'd realize what type of asshole he was.

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