Chapter Twelve

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Twenty-four hours later, I gripped Roseanne's hand as I pulled her toward her front door. "We're going even if I have to drag you all the way there." The irony didn't escape me. I preferred my own company and was a workaholic, but I'd rather spend the afternoon strolling around DC with Roseanne than anything else I could think of.

Since I'd got out of jail I found a new appreciation for fresh air and walking. After nearly thirty-six hours of being cooped up I needed to be outside, to get Roseanne out of the apartment and into the real world again. Maybe I could be good for her, short term.

"Fine." She rolled her eyes, but she laughed too. The sound went straight to my heart. I didn't know the last time I'd enjoyed being with another person; of connecting with someone and taking pleasure in their company. I was setting myself up for disaster but the more time I spent with her, the more I was determined to do my damnedest to coax her away from the obsession with her sister's case. Catching the bastard would be the most effective scenario. I hoped the FBI lab had found something useful on that new evidence.

"We'll grab you some groceries on the way home." Her cupboards were empty except for ketchup, some tins of soup and a box of stale crackers. "Even the mice moved out in disgust."

"Watch out, Ms. Manoban. I'll start to think you care."

"I do care." That admission felt foreign on my lips but like I told her yesterday, it was true. I pulled her to me and kissed her deep and turned it into something light. "I need to keep up my strength around you."

She pressed against me and I couldn't believe I was growing hard again. She'd turned me into a walking hard-on and frankly my lack of control was starting to piss me off. I wasn't a randy teenager. I was thirty-four and she was driving me crazy.

"We could order pizza," she whispered against my lips.

"We're going out to get some fresh air, otherwise I'll start to think you're ashamed to be seen in public with me." A thick wedge of emotion lodged at the back of my throat.

One side of her mouth kicked up and she said with perfect seriousness. "Lisa, you're built, gorgeous, and wealthy-the perfect woman-and no one has ever taken care of me the way you have. Why would anyone ever be ashamed of you?"

Because I kill people? Because I took out human targets the same way most people swatted a fly? I looked away. The truth was dark and repulsive and unfortunately real. Well, she wasn't going to know the truth. It would hurt her and then she'd bust my ass. Not going to happen. I was being as honest as any covert operative could afford to be.

I couldn't take a weapon where we were headed but I didn't think this asshole would go for a direct confrontation when Roseanne had company. I was pretty sure, between the two of us, me and Roseanne could handle most threats. I opened the door and stopped dead. Except this one.

The shock on the woman's face made it almost worthwhile being discovered. Until she turned that disappointed gaze on Roseanne.

"Mom," said Roseanne.

Dressed in the usual politician's attire of thick wool suit with perfect hair and nails, Senator Margret Tremont looked every inch the power-broker. The woman's gaze raked me from top to bottom and found me wanting.

"What's going on here?" she demanded.

"Mom meet Lisa Manoban. Lisa Manoban meet my mother, Senator Margret Tremont."

The air around us vibrated with tension. I wondered if Roseanne felt it too.

I held out my free hand. "I've heard a lot about you, Senator."

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