Chapter Thirteen

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I went into Frazer's office feeling as relaxed as a rattlesnake being poked with a sharp stick. There was a couch in the corner where my superior obviously slept sometimes, judging from the pillow and blanket folded neatly beneath. Plants and books dominated the shelves. The space was crammed tight but it wasn't cluttered with knickknacks. His desk was clear except for a single glossy white file folder with the FBI crest embossed on the front.

"Where do you want me?" I sounded like I felt. Bitchy. Defensive.

He turned from where he was closing the blinds. "I can hypnotize you without you being relaxed, but considering we have to work together it might go better if you try to trust me."

I raised a brow.

He held up his hands, palm out. "Fine, I'm not cute and cuddly like SSA Hanrahan but I'm a good agent. We're on the same team and I've done this a million times with a lot of success."

I released a pent up sigh. "We may as well get it over with."

"That's the spirit." His dry humor actually made me smile. He put on some background music. Birdsong, and the sound of the wind in the trees. A cold shiver stole over me.

"Lie down on the couch and close your eyes. I promise I won't make you quack like a duck and post it on Youtube."

"Been there, done that, after I graduated Harvard." I toed off my shoes and lay with my head on a green velvet cushion and stared at the ceiling.

"I want to take you back to a happy memory."

I thought about Lisa and smiled.

"Yeah, not that sort of memory."

"Ha." I closed my eyes. "When this is over I get to quiz you about your private life, Supervisory Special Agent Frazer."

"Nothing to know. My work is my life. Got an ex-wife to prove it."

Not a lot I could say to that. Divorce was common in law enforcement. Another reason to enjoy what me and Lisa had found-while it lasted. Barton had offered to go get her from the parking lot and set her up in her office. I knew she was going to pump her for information but there was no way I was sleeping with a monster. "She has a Distinguished Service Cross."


"My..." Girlfriend? Lover? "Lisa has a medal for heroism. She went to war. So unless there is more than one kidnapper, assuming Payton was kept alive all these years and wasn't a willing participant, there's no way she's the one we're looking for because she couldn't have left Payton alone for that amount of time when she was serving our country." The words came out in a rush and a wave of relief hit her. Not that she'd thought it was Lisa but she liked proof.

"I hope you're right."

I opened my eyes and looked at him. He'd pulled a chair over, just a few feet from where I lay down on his couch. He held up a voice recorder. "May I?"

"Sure." My lips tightened. I felt stupid.

"Okay. I promise this isn't going to hurt. During this session you are my priority and I will make sure nothing can harm you. Take a deep breath. And let it out slowly." They repeated some breathing exercises together. I felt like a fool but he did them too and slowly the tension leached out of my muscles. A heaviness in my limbs crept over me. I hadn't had much sleep for a few days.

"You're in a happy place, a safe place where no one can hurt you." Frazer's voice deepened as he started asking me questions. It sounded like he was a long way away. "Did you have a pet when you were growing up?"

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