Chapter Fourteen

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I'd had her for a couple of weeks now. She'd passed the tests and lasted a hell of a lot longer than the others and I was starting to think she really might be the one. I showered, put on cologne, pulled on a wool hat and my sheepskin jacket, picked up the flowers I'd bought.

Work had been flat out for the last few days and I hadn't been able to check on her. She had food and water but if she got sick the way Payton had gotten sick...

My boots crunched through the dead leaves in the woods, faster now. It was dark but I knew the route so well I didn't even need a flashlight as long as the moon shone.

I'd been the officer to find Lindsey Keeble's car, which had earned me a lot of kudos within the department. I figured it was only a matter of time before someone saw it and may as well use my problems to my advantage. Lindsey had been a bitch with a mouth that could blister paint. Man, I wished I hadn't grabbed her. Too much trouble. Too close to home. But maybe she'd been fated for another reason because Roseanne Park was coming to her funeral tomorrow.

Should I take her?

The idea of having two women at the same time haunted my fantasies now. Nothing unusual in a man wanting to screw two females at the same time, but this was riskier. I'd need to keep Roseanne under control, physically and mentally. Maybe get her hooked on heroin and dependent on me for a fix. That might keep her malleable.

I liked the sound of that.

I'd never have contemplated keeping two women when Payton was alive, but I had to find a way to get through the remainder of my life without descending into madness.

I tripped over a stick. "Shit!" That's what I got for not paying attention. Maybe I'd just kill Roseanne. The idea of her not respecting her sister's memory made me fume. But I couldn't kill her without at least giving her a chance to redeem herself, because Payton had loved her so much. And maybe she was like Kari and just needed a bit of coaching.

I'd drilled a metal ring into the wall of the abandoned mine. I had chains to keep her locked up but still needed to reinforce the door to the storage shed. As long as I didn't show Roseanne my face I could risk holding her somewhere like that. Kari was going to have to stay in the chamber though. If she ever escaped she could identify me and I wouldn't risk losing my freedom.

Kari was sweet. She didn't seem to mind the basic accommodations too much and I could try and spruce up the place. If she had a baby I'd figure out a new plan. Maybe move somewhere remote where I could build some sort of compound...or join one of those militia groups with Kari as my wife?

Yup. Starting tonight, I was going to see if I could get her pregnant. No point in waiting any longer.

The idea had me so hard my dick throbbed.

I got to the woodpile and stood around for a moment to make sure no one was nearby. I hadn't remained undetected all these years by being careless.

The forest was unusually silent tonight, the first severe frost of winter starting to really bite. Sliding back the bolt I lifted the hatch and reached for the flashlight that rested just inside. I flicked the switch, but nothing happened. The bulb had probably blown. I gave it a shake and something rattled inside the plastic casing. Piece of shit.

It was dark in the chamber. Pitch black. What the hell? Had the paraffin lamp run out of fuel?

"You all right down there?" I descended the stairs carefully in the darkness. The silence had me panicking. Shit, was she okay? I reached for another flashlight that I kept on one of the shelves that lined one wall. Groped around, knocking off books and a mug. Where the fuck was that thing? Why wasn't she answering?

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