Chapter 14

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It's day 2 of the competition. I compete earlier than I did yesterday so I need to start getting ready earlier. I just woke up and it's 8:47 in the morning. I need to meet my team at 11:30 so I need to start getting ready now. All the boys are still asleep so I carefully move jakes arm out from around my waist so j in don't wake him up.

I walk in the bathroom and quietly shut the door starting to get ready. Since everyone's still asleep I put my AirPods in so I can listen tk music because it's so awkward getting ready without music. I click on my playlist and the first song that starts playing is kiss me through the phone. I can already tell it's going to be a good day.

About 20 minutes later there's a knock on the door. I slowly open it to reveal a sleepy looking Jack who comes stumbling in. "Hey." He said with a tired smile. "Hi" I say back pushing his floppy hair out of his face. "I woke up and you were gone." He said to me as he took a seat on the toilet lid watching me continue my makeup. "I'm sorry Jacky but I had to get ready." I reply looking at him through the mirror.

"Want an airpod?" I ask him to which he nods and I give him one. "Are you seriously listening to tongue tied right now." He say laughing a bit. "Yes Jack I need to get hype for day 2." I laugh at him also. We stay like that while I finish getting ready. Occasionally I would drop one of my hands and he would reach up and grab it until I needed it again.

"Ok Jack u need you to leave so I can change." I tell him grabbing my uniform. "But I wanna stay with you." He tells me leaning his head on my shoulder. I open the bathroom door and put my hands in his chest and slowly push him out the door mouthing "sorry" before closing it.

Once I'm all ready I made a tik tok and then went to pack my bag. I put my hockey jersey back on and packed my bag. I feel arms snake around my waist and a chin on my shoulder. "Hughes would look better on the back of that jersey." He says turning me around in his hold.

"Would it?" I question in a very sarcastic tone. "Your right I should ask Luke for his jersey for your next game." I say with a smirk. He just rolls his eyes and kissed my forehead before walking off. I grab all my things and we all head to the car.

Time skip go after they preform

We hit! I'm so excited I think we have a good shot at winning. My team comes running out after we watched our performance and the first person I tan to was Jack. He embraced me in a hug and picked me up and spun me around. "I'm so proud of you." He whispers in my ear before putting me down. I hug everyone else and we have an hour till awards so we decide to go get food.

We finish eating and it's time for me to go back and meet my team again so we can have awards. "Hello everyone and welcome to session 4 award ceremony" the announcer guy says into his mic. Me team sits in a circle waiting for our divison.  "Starting with small senior all girl." We all hold hands and and lean in praying and hoping we win. "In 5th place... from woodlands elite it's the generals."

We all let out a breathe of air and sit up and clap for generals then go back to holding hands again. "In fourth place from California allstars it's lady bullets."  We all clap again. We made top three which is so good. "Now can we have the final three teams stand up." We all do so and he goes right back into it. "In third place.. fron East celebrity elite it's bombshells."

Everyone is very nervous now and we are all squeezing each others hands so tight. "Down to the final two. In second place.... Ice lady lightning." Oh my god. We just won. Everyone is trying their best to hold in their excitement till we get called but we are all slightly shaking and jumping a little. "And your national champion cheer extreme SSX" he yells and we all jump up screaming and hugging eachother

It is the best possible way to end the weekend and I couldn't have asked for a better NCA. We all got our jackets and went to talk insta pictures and it was truley the best.


More of a filled chapter and I also can't remember if I said they conpetition was NCA but oh well it is now. Also ignore spelling mistakes I'm too lazy to fix them.

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