Chapter 9

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"Ok what should we be for Halloween we need a good costume?" Luke and I were sitting on the couch scrolling through pintrist to try to find a costume we both like. "What about ratatouille and that chef guy. You can be remi and..." "you want me to be a rat? No way." Luke started but I cut him off. No way am I being a rat. "Well then what do you think we should do then." He asked a little annoyed. "How about you dress up as a piñata and I'll be the person who gets to whack you so I can whack that stupid idea out of your head." I asked. He just glared at me and we kept looking

After a few minutes of looking luke jumps up and stares at me. "I have the best idea. Let's dress up as Momma Mia." He shouted and I immediately jumped up with him. "Omg yes I literally love that idea." I write Luke's name and our costume idea in my notes app because I have a few costumes I need. One for me and Luke, one for me and my girls, one for my cheer team, and one for all five of us for Ellen's Halloween party.

"Hey Julia do you wanna figure out what we're going to wear cause we don't feel like doing it?" Trevor asked me coming to sit beside me. "So I can pick whatever I want and you guys won't care?" I asked. "Nope. Since you're saving us the trouble of picking out the costume you can do whatever you want." Quinn said sitting on the other side of me. "Alright I'll find something." I told them and went up to my room to start looking.

I first go on Amazon and put everything I'll need for me and Luke's costumes in my cart before going on Pinterest again for more inspiration. For cheer I need something simple that I can throw off right before practice. Maybe some of my friends from my team will do something with me? I'll send them a text and see.

Now while I wait for a response I need to find a group outfit. I think I wanna do like jail outfits. I'm going to put the boys in the stripped outfits and I'm going to wear orange sweatpants and a white tank top. So it's still a group costume but I just don't wanna wear the stripped one. I put that all in my cart and my phone starts ringing

Hockey hoes
Swipe to answer

"Julia what are you doing?" Ivey asked through face time. "Im shopping for Halloween costumes." I say looking at my computer still. "Omg that reminds me we still need to figure out a costume for my day after Halloween party." Bella tells us. "Hey bels why is it a day after Halloween though?" I ask. No one throws a party the day after Halloween so it's kinda weird. "Cause Halloween-Eve and halloween day are full of people throwing parties so by having mine the day after that means everyone is free to come." She tells us with a duh sounding tone. "Right ok so I say we should be fairies." Ivey told the group and we all agreed. "Do you just just want me to buy them and you can pay me back?" I ask "yes that would be great." Ivey says. "You're the best Julia but I gotta go bye." Bella says and with that the face time ends.

I find these kids dress up fairy wings and I put 3 pairs in different colors in the cart, along with matching kids flower crowns. I can't find any cute modest dresses that are giving the right vibe so I screw that idea and find these really cute sheer flowey lingerie dresses and I put three in different colors in my cart to. After I finish up our costumes I see that my two friends from cheer texted and said they wanna dress up as Alvin in the chipmunks and already have things we can wear for it. I quickly reply and order everything I need for the rest of my outfits and shut my laptop.

I walked downstairs to see the boys all on the couch watching a movie. "Julia come watch with us." Luke tells me and I go sit down in between him and Jack. "Here take some of my blanket." Jack whispers to me and puts his blanket over my legs. "Thanks Jack." I whisper back and he sets his popcorn bowl inbetween us for us to share. We keep accidentally touching hands together sometimes and every time he would look over at me and smile. Jack has one of those smiles that just makes your heart melt.

After the movie was over Trevor Quinn and Luke went up to their rooms but Jack stayed on the couch while I started to clean up. "So what do you wanna watch now?" He asked and I was shocked he wanted to watch a movie with me. I put the other blankets away and sat down beside Jack to think. "Hmmm luke put me in a Mamma Mia mood. Wanna watch that?" I asked looking into his blue eyes. "Ya sure you start it and I'll go make is more popcorn." He says handing me the remote and walking off to the kitchen.

Half way through the movie I start to get tired and rest my head on jacks shoulder. He pulls the blanket up over me more and adjusts us so we're laying down. "Go to sleep Jules you're tired." He says brushing the loose piece of hair off my face. "No I'm not even that tired. Plus we're watching a movie, can't leave u to watch it alone." I say with a laugh. "It's ok come on go to sleep, please." He says pulling me tighter to him. He was right, I was tired. "Ok, goodnight Jack." I mumble before I fall asleep.

Lukey posted to his story

Quinn replied to your story^About damn time

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Quinn replied to your story^
About damn time

Jack replied to your story^
Dude wth

Trevor replied to your story^
No way... that better not be who I think it is

Julia replied to your story^

Julia replied to your story^
Send me this


A but if a shorter chapter this time but just wait till the Halloween party I've got some good ideas planned. I just wanted to get a chapter out so you guys aren't waiting forever so sorry if it seemed rushed.

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