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Snape walked down the empty halls of Hogwarts. It was late at night, and he had to patrol. He went up the stairs to the astronomy tower and paused when he saw a bush of untamed black hair.

"Potter," He said, and the boy turned around with wide glossy eyes.

"Professor," Harry said, fully jumping up and facing the dark man.

"Should you not be in bed, Potter? It's almost midnight," Snape drawled, and Harry looked confused for a minute.

"Oh, is it?" He asked, looking at the dark-haired man. "I didn't notice," He said as he picked up his school bag and started to make his way out of the tower.

"Potter," Snape called, and the younger male stopped. "How long have you been up here?" He asked.

"Since before dinner," Harry replied, and Snapped frowned.

"Why?" He asked, confused as to why the boy would spend hours up here that he forgot the time.

"It's Halloween," The green-eyed male said, and Snape froze. "I like to come up here and think about what my life would have been like if I still had my parents, the things we might have been able to do together," He said, and Snape sighed.

"Follow me," he said, passing the younger one to lead him down the stairs. He led Harry down to the dungeon and passed the Slytherin dorms. They stopped at a painting of a dark horse, and Snape whispered a password, and the portrait opened.

Stepping inside, Snape allowed Harry to enter, too. Harry entered and saw that it was a living room.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Snake suddenly growled, and Harry saw a man with blue eyes and brunette hair sitting on a chair by the fire.

"We need to talk to Severus," The man said, and Snape growled.

"Harry, go there," Snape said, pointing to a gray door. "Stay there until I call you out," He said, and Harry nodded and followed his instructions.

As soon as the door closed behind Harry, the man was on Snape. Pressing him against the wall by his throat.

"That little stunt you pulled a week ago, you think that was funny?" He asked as Snape shoved him off.

"It wasn't a stunt, Phillip; I broke up with you after I got you with that whore," Snape hissed.

Philip growled, his eyes darkened as his creature grew close to the surface. "Well, if you hadn't decided not to be in the mood, maybe I wouldn't have gone to her," Philip yelled, and Severus blinked.

"You slept with my best friend's wife!!! And you are blaming it on me? They are getting a divorce because of you! You broke up a family!" Severus yelled, stepping forward and glaring down at the man.

"Oh, please. I wasn't the first man she cheated with and I wouldn't have been the last, we all knew it," Philip huffed and Snape sent a silent hex at him. The man fell to the floor, knocking his head and passing out.

Snape levitated the man to the fireplace and put him inside before throwing some floo powder in and sending him home. He ensured he blocked the floo passage between his and Philip's fireplace before heading to the room Harry was in.

Just as he was about to open the door, there was a knock. Sighing, he opened the door to see Dumbledore standing there.

"Headmaster," He said, not letting the man in. "What are you doing here this late?" He asked.

"I thought Philip would still be here," Dumbledor said, and Snape frowned.

"You let him in here?" Snape asked, shocked.

"He is your mate; he asked to see you, so I allowed him," Dumbledore said, and Severus saw the old man's eyes flutter over his room.

"He is not my mate, Dumbledore, and I would appreciate you staying out of my personal life," Snape said, slamming the door.

Sighing, he went into the room to see Harry sleeping on his bed. The boy was still in his school clothes.

Waving his hand, Harry's clothes changed, and he was set right in the bed. Once that was done, Snape left the room and went to his personal potions lab to work.


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Word count: 679

Re-published: April 26, 2024, 6 am

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