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Draco sat alone in the astronomy tower, at the edge, looking down at the other students walking around the yard. A throat cleared behind him, and he looked back to see Fred and George standing behind him. Sighing, he turned back to look out at the view.

"I am not in the mood to be played with today," The blonde said, groaning as the two sat beside him instead of leaving.

"Draco, we may be pranksters and love to joke around, but we wouldn't play with feelings," George said.

"Yeah, you mean a lot to us; we are just trying to show you that," Fred picked up where his brother left off.

"Let us take you on a date," they both said, and Draco blinked at them before looking back at the scenery outside.

"Ok," The blonde mumbled, and their faces lit up as they each grabbed a hand and pulled him to his feet and out of the tower. "Where are we going?" he exclaimed.

"We found a place we think you might like," George said, and they pulled him out of the castle and into the dark forest. They walked for about twenty minutes before the twins led him to a large rock covered with vines.

"I'll go first," Fred said, disappearing through the vines.

"You can go next," George said, and Draco gave a hesitant nod before stepping through the vines and immediately starting to fall.

"Should have probably warned you about that," He heard one of the twins say and opened his eyes to see that he was in Fred's arms with George standing before them.

"What is this place?" Draco asked, wiggling to get out of Fred's arms and looking around.

"Watch this," Fred said, raising his wand and shooting a light upwards. The light spread out along the ceiling and lit up the cave, brightening the area around them and showing Draco they were in a cave. "Come on," The redhead said as they both took his hand and started leading him through the cave.

They reached a bigger part of the cave, where the ceiling opened to show what looked like a moon. On the floor were crystals of every shape and size sticking up in spikes and some broken pieces lying around reflecting the light. The ground changed from rock to grass, and flowers lined the bottom of the crystals where they came out of the ground and along the cave walls.

"These are moonflower crystals; they reflect the moonlight and grow flowers. They also help calm people down without the calm draught potion. It also has a special effect on wolves, but no one really knows what. It is known that they love it, though," George informed him as Draco looked around in awe.

"This place is beautiful," Draco mumbled, running his finger over a crystal.

"Not as beautiful as you are," they both said. Draco looked back at both of them with a blush covering his pale cheeks.

"T-thanks," He stuttered, looking up at the taller male through his lashes. "Woah, what's that?" The blonde said, going over to a tree at the end of the cave.

"These are moon berries; they are delicious," Fred said, picking one and handing it to Draco, who hesitantly took a bite.

"Wow," Draco exclaimed as fireworks exploded on his tongue from the flavor.

"Amazing, right?" George asked, and Draco nodded, stuffing more of the fruit in his mouth. "Take what you just tasted and multiply it by a thousand; that's what this would taste like for a wolf," he informed him.

"Does everything in this cave have to do with werewolves?" Draco asked, raising a brow. "How do you know so much about wolves?"

"They do, actually; it is said that this cave was created by the moon goddess for her children," Fred said. "Also, when Fenrir bit Bill, we wanted to be prepared if he changed and read all the werewolf books we could find."

"It is for them to find peace and enjoy being themselves in their wolf form," George picked up, and Draco nodded.

"I think I know a few people who could use these," Draco said, looking around. Would it be okay if I picked a few flowers?" He asked, and the twins nodded.

Draco quickly made his way over to a flower and kneeled down, picking up a crystal. He transfigured it into a pot and used his hand to dig up some dirt before gently pulling up the plant by its roots and placing it in the pot. "That should do it," he said, picking up the sparkling crystal pot and watching as it reflected the moonlight. Next, he took a leaf from the tree and transfigured it into a bag before picking a few fruits and putting them in.

"Are you done?" Fred asked, resting a hand on his shoulder, and Draco nodded. "Then let's go,"

George picked up the crystal pot in one hand and held Draco's in the other, while Fred took the bag of fruits and held Draco's hand. 


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Word count: 820

Re-published: April 26, 2024, 11:30 am

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