The Promening

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~Serial Designation L's POV~

Uuugh... What a few days it turned out to be. Can't say I blame Uzi for being so vulnerable after what happened nearly a week ago. Even I'm still shaken from what happened. J was supposed to be dead, but she reanimated into some sort of eldritch monster and started killing Worker Drones in order to rebuild herself. 

And that voice... I know that voice. It gives me chills trying to think about where I've heard that voice before. Now I'm stressing myself out with the thoughts running through my head, it's driving me crazy.

'AbsoluteSolver'... What is it? Does it have something to do that spike in programming I've been feeling all week? Is it involved with N, V and myself? Something tells me it's more than just a auto-run program that Uzi believes it is. I think it's an highly advanced, rogue A.I that has something to do with our past. 

"Hey, Elle. Get in here. I've got something for us~" V called from inside the landing pod, snapping my thoughts back into the real world.

I turned around and climbed into the landing pod. Once inside I noticed N and V by the control console and looking over three human skeletons in formal attire still intact. One was a simple, dark red split dress. The male was a black dapper attire. And the third was a black and green renaissance dress with a corset.

 And the third was a black and green renaissance dress with a corset

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I raised a brow in confusion, "Uh... V? What is all this?"

V smiled proudly, "N found these outside. There's a prom happening in the Worker Drone bunker tonight. And we're going too."

"WHAT!?" I exclaimed in shock, then I shook my head rapidly, "No! No, no, no. And no! I'm not going to some party full of hormonal teenagers that marks their 'coming of age' ceremony. I don't like parties, and you know that, V." I folded my arms and turned away, "I'm not going!"

"Come on, Elle." V cooed, "Haven't you always wanted to be a princess of the ball? This is your chance." She shrugged, "Who knows? You might meet your 'Princess Charming'."

I glared at V with strong defiance, "I. Don't. Like. Parties!"

N looked over his dapper outfit and sighed, "I do want to be dapper..." But he shook his head and declined, "But no!" He sighed and turned to V, "That's why you had me find these? We can't interact with the Workers anymore, V." N walked to the other side of the console and lowered his head in sadness, "We're too dangerous."

I gave N a sympathetic look and reached my hand over his shoulder. Then I turned to V, "N's right. We can't just show up and expect everything we've done to be forgiven. We show up tonight, every Worker Drone will panic."

V nodded, "Uh, exactly. We show up fabulous, the sad purple one lets us in -- 'cause she has no friends -- we kill everyone, and pop her little head off."

"I'm not freeing you for prom murder, V!" N strongly declined.

"N has a point." I nodded, "Uzi killed J with her photon railgun, and J reanimated herself and became this eldritch creature bent on killing and rebuilding herself. We can't risk it happening again to you, me or N."

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