Cabin Fever

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~Serial Designation L's POV~

It was quiet and snowy tonight. Not the ideal to go out alone, to look for an abandoned campsite facility that I'd rather not visit anymore. But Uzi insisted, if she wanted answers about what's going on with her and find Doll.

And even though Uzi wanted to go with just N, V and myself, Uzi's class teacher decided to make the entire class go on a field trip to Camp 98.7, because of bad grades the class was getting. After prom, the other Worker Drones just stopped caring about their learning.

So, the school bus dropped everyone at the main cabin lodge and everyone exit the bus.

"Uh, Teacher." One of the male students called to their teacher, "What is this field trip?"

"Yeah, Uzi's idea. Ask her." The teacher answered, as he placed a picnic chair on top of the roof of the cabin.

The male student scoffed in confusion, "Who?"

"I've sat next to you for years." Uzi spoke up in a deadpan tone, making her presence known to the others.

The other students turned to Uzi and gasped at her, frightened.

"Bite me! I asked to go alone. He's mad at your test scores." Uzi explained, pointing to the lazy teacher.

"No year-end bonus. No learning." The teacher groaned, as he lowered his straw hat over his eyes.

"So we're just unsupervised?" The male student asked.

And that was our cue to appear. N, V, and I, dressed in national park ranger attire, came landing close to the cabin, creating a cloud of snow.

The cloud eventually cleared and N greeted with a smile and a salute, "Welcome, campers! Let's sound off!" He got out a clipboard and pointed at me, "One..." Then at V, "Two..." Then he pointed to himself, "Three..."

N pointed at the rest of the class, but the Worker Drone students just stared at us in silence. Annoyed and impatient, V shot one of the students dead in the head. Everyone raised their hands and shouted numbers at once.

N smiled and jotted on the clipboard, "That's everyone!" He covered his face with the clipboard and whispered to me and V, "Minus one..." Then returned his attention to the students, "We've got so many distracting activities planned, so no sneaking off to investigate stuff."

N glanced at me and Uzi. Uzi looked away and twiddled her fingers, while I rubbed my upper right arm in discomfort.

"To the bunks!" N called, as he turned to the cabin lodge, but he realized no-one was following him.

Everyone looked scared and uncomfortable. Uzi was about to speak up, but Thad spoke up with a smile and a thumbs-up, "Sounds good, N."

Lizzy nodded and joined V, "Anything for my bestie."

The others seemed to have calmed a little, until Uzi spoke up, "Uh, y-yeah. They're, like, my friends, too. So, it's cool."

Uzi gave a thumbs-up with a uneasy smile. The other students looked at her in fear and started moving away from Uzi and joined N and V, as I snuck beside Uzi.

"You can be our friend, little guy." The female with glasses told N with a smile and holding his hand.

"Poor thing's defective." Another male student said, as he poked V repeatedly in the face.

V grabbed the student's wrist, then noticed me and Uzi. She smirked, then let go of the student's wrist and patted him on the shoulder, "Nah, just full of love." Then she pointed to N, "This one's a pilot."

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