My Escape

246 13 4

Salem, Washington

The Hills Insane Asylum - Date : Unknown

It's so dark in my small cell. All I can see is pitch blackness and three small slivers of light from my cage door.I am cold , hungry, and they tell me I'm insane for what I see. If what is i my visions are true I won't be this way forever.

 2  months later

One doctor is nice to me. When he makes his rounds he uses kind words and tries to make sure I eat without seeming like he cares to the others . In private when all of them are gone he tells me it will be ok. He doesn't know how ,but it will. I hear a rattling at my cell door and I look at what is causing as I am being pulled from my conscious thoughts.

Some time in the mere future.

I stare at a roaring fire in a log cabin . I am on a comfortable couch and I feel strong arms wrapp around me and I turn my head and find it's the doctor that is nice to me. He pulls my face in his hands and kisses me the way my mother and father kissed when they thought we weren't looking.He looked like he had feelings for me but that must be impossible.

I hear rattling again and that's what brings me back to my normal senses.I see the doctor that is nice to me at the door .He opens the door and comes to my bed where I am chained.He comes close to me and whispers in my ear.

     "You are not crazy or insane . I knew that when I first layed eyes on you.You can see things others cannot and that scares them. People are always scared of things they don't know about.I'm fixing to take you away from this place but you must not make any noise."

     I gave him a faint nod to tell him I understood.


He unstrapped me and picked me up bridal style . He ran with an inhuman speed out of that bad place and he took me far away.Little did we know that we were being followed and watched by a not human being as we left.

      We traveled for two days before the doctor stopped. We came upon a small cottage that had been abandon long ago.He set me upon a small cot that had been left by the people that left this place. He left me inside the cottage while he gathered wood for a fire. He came back a short while later and was surprised that my eyes had not moved at all from the time he left from the time he came back. he stared at  the  fire for the longest time then he abrubtly turned to me.

 " I am fixing to change you . I will tell you everthing you need to know when you have completed the change."

   He ran at me with lightening speed then grasped my shoulders and bit into my neck.After he bit me I felt white hot pain sear through me as quick and as deadly as venom. Oh how I wished to die. For three days I begged to die but he wouldn't. He wouldn't kill me. For three days I begged but on the third day the doctor went for fire wood and he never came back.I don't remember those three days except for feeling like I was being torn apart and burned , but the pain did stop. Eventually it faded away, but what the doctor didn't tell me was the pain would change me into a monster I would know nothing about how to control. A monster that causes me pain every day . Having a thirst that would never be quenched.. Living forever and being lonely becuase you are a danger to all those that live. All those with warm blue blood running through their veins. I am a monster . Fate will never change that. What the doctor thought is my escape it's now my prison. My escape. 


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