Chapter 8-Aelin

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As I stepped deeper into the forest, Kodlak walked beside me. His silent determination matched my own, and together we forged ahead, our footsteps echoing in the stillness of the woods.

The shadows danced around us, twisting and turning with each gust of wind, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding creeping into my heart. But Kodlak's steady gaze never wavered, his unwavering resolve a beacon of strength in the darkness.

We moved in sync, our senses alert for any sign of danger lurking in the undergrowth. Every rustle of leaves sent a jolt of adrenaline coursing through my veins, and I tightened my grip on my weapon, ready to face whatever threat may come our way.

But despite the tension that hung heavy in the air, there was also a sense of camaraderie between us, a silent understanding that we were in this together.

As we pressed on, the trees grew thicker, their branches intertwining overhead to form a dense canopy that blocked out most of the sunlight. The air was heavy with the scent of damp earth and decaying leaves, and the only sound was the soft crunch of our footsteps on the forest floor.

Occasionally, Kodlak would glance my way, his expression unreadable behind the mask he wore. But his presence was a comfort.

Suddenly, a twig snapped somewhere to our left, and we both froze, our senses on high alert. Kodlak gestured for me to stay back as he moved forward, his movements fluid and controlled.

I watched as he disappeared into the shadows, his figure blending seamlessly with the darkness. My heart pounded in my chest as I strained to listen for any sign of danger, but all I could hear was the pounding of blood in my ears.

Minutes passed like hours, each second stretching out into eternity as I waited for Kodlak to return. And then, just when I was beginning to fear the worst, he emerged from the shadows, a triumphant gleam in his eyes.

"We're clear," he said, his voice low but steady. "Let's keep moving."

Relief flooded through me as we continued on our path, the tension in my muscles slowly easing with each step.

Kodlak and I moved in silence, our senses heightened as we scanned our surroundings for any sign of danger. Every rustle of leaves, every whisper of the wind set my nerves on edge, and I found myself gripping the hilt of my dagger tightly, ready to spring into action at a moment's notice.

Suddenly, Kodlak held up a hand, signaling for me to stop. His keen eyes scanned the area ahead, and I followed his gaze, my heart pounding in my chest.

"There," he whispered, pointing to a shadowy figure lurking amidst the trees.

I squinted, trying to make out the figure in the dim light. It was a cloaked figure, its features obscured by the folds of its hood. As we drew closer, I could see that it was holding something in its hands – something glinting in the dappled sunlight.

Without a word, Kodlak and I moved forward cautiously, our footsteps silent on the forest floor. As we approached, the figure turned to face us, and I felt a shiver run down my spine.

It was a woman, her face hidden beneath the hood of her cloak. But there was something about her posture, the way she held herself, that set my teeth on edge. She seemed... familiar, somehow, though I couldn't quite place where I had seen her before.

"Who are you?" Kodlak demanded, his voice low and commanding.

The woman said nothing, but her red eyes – cold and calculating – seemed to bore into mine, as if searching for something hidden deep within my soul.

I tightened my grip on my dagger, ready for whatever might come next. But before either of us could react, the woman vanished into thin air, leaving behind nothing but a whisper of mist and the echo of her chilling laughter.

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