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"I'm not breaking up with you, I'm just saying can you please stop super-sizing stuff because I don't dig on fat chicks." Puck announced, staring at his new girlfriend and sending smirks towards Courtney. 

Quinn noticed his constant glances at her best friend and gripped her hand on the wall. "I'm pregnant." she growled, standing closer to the blonde. "And that's my fault?" Puck scoffed. 

"Puck you're a fucking idiot." Courtney hissed, shoving him backwards. "Just go." Quinn demanded and pointed at his class. He scoffed and walked off without a goodbye. 

Courtney smiled sympathetically at her blonde friend and rubbed her arm. "Well, if it makes you feel better Finn keeps looking over here." she offered, giggling when Quinn rolled her eyes. 

"Like I care," she sighed, "He's probably sick of Rachel and her neediness already." Courtney nodded in agreement. "I heard from 'Cedes that she made him and herself a 'date' calendar, so he doesn't forget their dates and the top has a picture with their faces as cats." she explained, hoping to cheer her up. 

"She's clearly obsessed with him like a love-sick puppy. It makes me want to throw up." Quinn stated, slamming her locker shut and grabbing Courtney's arm tightly. "Now, let's get to Glee." They walked in together and sat down next to one another. 

Mr. Schue drew a stick figure on the board with a message bubble with nothing in it, making Courtney and assumingly, the rest of the club confused. "Hello." he said. 

"Hello?" The class repeated simultaneously. 

"What do you guys say when you answer the phone?" he asked. "What up." 

"Who this be?"

"No, she's dead. This is her son." Kurt said. Courtney covered her mouth with her hand, stunned but also trying not to laugh at his words. 

"Okay... Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of the telephone, liked to say "ahoy, ahoy" when he answered the phone. It was Edison who decided that "hello" was a more appropriate greeting." 

He paused and gave the group a big smile, "Look, I am really proud of what you guys did at Sectionals, but as most of you have realized by now, it hasn't made a bit of a difference in your day-to-day school."

"I have a slushie-stained training bra to prove it." Rachel confessed, ignoring Courtney and Santana's giggle from the back. "Of course she wears training bras still. She resembles a twelve-year-old." she whispered to the Latina. "I don't think she's hit puberty yet." 

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