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As a usual girl with abusive parents that argue every single day just infront of her face, today is no different.

She stands there, watching as her mother and father start to argue about something again. Wonyoung knew to never speak up or even speak in the middle of a argument. She knew they would take their anger up on her, from past experiences.

The words started to echo inside of her mind. She wished that her parents won't argue much more but she can't just tell them to stop. She's weak, and fragile, just like a little kid.

She sighs, taking deep breath to calm herself down from just breaking down crying. The argument got intense to the fact her father started to hit her mother. And she had to watch it all, without a word spoken.

Suddenly, she goes in between her mother and father. She raises her hand up, being a shield for her mom. "STOP!" she yelled loudly..but that didn't do anything.

Everything turned black..and next thing you know..she's on a bed.

Her vision is a bit loopy, and she's a bit dizzy. She takes in around her surroundings. She doesn't quite remember much, but how did she end up on her bed? She slowly turns her head around to see her bestfriend, worried.

Her eyes widen slightly by the sudden sight. She only saw her bestfriend at school so seeing her bestfriend, Hannah, at her house with such strict parents that barely even let her do anything, it's quite a shocker.

"Hannah?.." Wonyoung whispered, blinking slightly to adjust her vision. "What are you doing here? And what am I doing here? And what is going on!?"

Hannah titled her head slightly in confusion, a puzzled look plastered on her face. "The real question is, are you okay? You literally just passed out for 20 mintues and I have been freaking out!"

Passed out? Wonyoung looks a bit shocked as well. I mean, her father did hit her hardly, but he does that like everyday and now she just passed out? Wonyoung doesn't believe a single word she says.

"You're just a liar!" She exclaims. "All I tried to do was protect my mother! Even if she did such horrible things to me, I still try to do my best to prevent anything happening to her! I didn't pass out! I just..uh..slept in the middle of protecting her probably!"

Hannah looks at Wonyoung like if she's stupid. She did really sound dumb tho when she spoke. At the first couple of words, it felt like it had a meaningful meaning behind it, but saying that you slept in the middle of protecting somebody? Now that's just plain dumb.

"Seriously? Slept? Girl, be realistic right now! Your father hit you hardly and since it was so hard, you passed out, it's a normal reaction to strong physical damage." Hannah explained as she kept patting her forehead with a wet towel for some reason.

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