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It was now a Saturday night, raining and pouring, the weather being sad, and Wonyoung being sad as well.

So many things has happened bad in her life, and she just never stood up for herself, and neither has anybody. She doesn't know if this year can get worse, but if it can, she needs a solution to this problem.

She sits down on her bed, looking up at the ceiling in boredom. There's nothing to do and her only friend, Hannah, or fake friend, just left her like if they didn't do everything together for such a long period of time.

She sighs, the only noises being her heavy breathing and the raining hitting her window.

Suddenly, there's a knock at the door. Wonyoung sits straight up and looks towards the door, being confused. She didn't invite anybody, and her parents are probably too busy arguing like they always do on a daily basis.

She slowly stands up, but just incase it's a robber, she grabs her baseball bat as a weapon to protect herself. What? The girl needed to protect herself one way or another.

She slowly and slowly makes her way towards the door, holding the bat, ready to take what's behind that door. She opens the door slowly, revealing..her dad?

Her dad was towering over her, narrowing his eyes and crossing his arms underneath his chest. "Wonyoung." He spoke, his tone firm and quiet.

She quickly stands up straight and throws her baseball bat to the corner of her room, pretending like she totally wasn't holding that for defense purposes.

"Hello, my dear have you been? I was just uh," she glances over to her messy bed and over to her bookshelf. She looks back at him. "Reading a book! Yeah, reading a book!" She smiles softly, blinking innocently at him.

He narrows his eyes more, not believing her. The fact she said she was reading a book even tho he saw no book in sight that was open, it just showed how much of a bad liar she can be.

"Yeah right." He pushes her aside hardly, causing her to bump into the doorframe and getting another bruise for the 4th time this week. He walks into her room without her permission, searching through her room to see if she had done anything that's not following the rules.

Wonyoung rubbed her bruise slightly, sighing. He of course always hurted her at some point in her 16 years of living in his terrible planet called Earth. She looks up at dad, seeing him rummage through her bookshelf that's full of teen romance book.

His dad eventually pulls out one of her teen romance books that is her favorite. He opens up the book and begins to read through the pages, a disgusted look on his face. "What's this, young lady?" He asked her, turning around the book for her to see a page she bookmarked on with a bookmark and pointed to one of the lines.

"It's my book, told me to read more so I can become a doctor, so I did..something wrong?" She mumbled, looking down at the ground.

"I said books that can actually teach you something! Not books about stupid romance! Don't ever believe in romance, okay? Keep your eyes on the prize, and that prize being money and money only!" He yelled at her loudly, throwing the book at her. Thank God she catches the book in time.

He walks over to the door, opens the door handle, walks out of her room, and slams the door behind her. Her dad has always been spoiled ever since he was a child. He never believed in love, but believed in money.

She sighs, opening up one of the pages of her book. Some tears start to fall from her eyes and land on the page. "Sorry.." she whispered to herself.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07 ⏰

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