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After such a long night of dealing with her parents and Hannah, school is next on the list.

Wonyoung went to school usually, but sometimes she'll have to miss school for some of her baseball practices that happen early and she cannot miss it.

Once she entered the school, she saw her bestfriend Hannah, once again. Hannah was such a sassy and confident girl, but a great bestfriend too!

Or so she thought.

Wonyoung smiled softly at the sight of Hannah putting some of her books in her locker that was just right next to Wonyoung's locker, it was like if it was meant to be.

She quickly walked over to Hannah, a wide smile plastered on her face. "Hannah!" She called out to her, waving her hands pretty quickly.

Hannah looks over to Wonyoung, keeping a blank face. She always smiled once she saw Wonyoung since they were bestfriends of course, but today just seems a tad bit different.

"Oh hey, Wonyoung.." she mumbled, sighing. She glances away, not being able to look at Wonyoung in the eye.

She raised a eyebrow at Hannah's such unexpected behavior. Literally, last night, they were talking and laughing like usually, but now she's just acting all moody like if nothing ever happened between them.

"What's wrong, Hannah? You seem a bit different today for some reason. Don't worry, you can talk to me!" Wonyoung smiled softly, placing a hand on her shoulder for reassurement.

Hannah looks back at Wonyoung dead in the eye like if she was a prey. She suddenly just pushes Wonyoung away, causing her to fall on her behind and falling down on the hard wooden floor.

Wonyoung's eyes widen by the sudden action. She looks over to her arm to see a massive bruise on her elbow that's slowly starting to bleed. She looks over to her knee to see another bigger bruise on her kneecap. She looks back up at Hannah, breathing heavily.

"What was that for!?" Wonyoung yelled at her, tears forming in her eyes by how much the bruises hurted.

"I hate you! I wish you never existed! You mean nothing to me, Wonyoung! I don't wanna be your bestfriend!" Hannah yelled right back at her, shooting her a nasty glare. She turns around and runs away from the scene, acting like nothing happened.

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