Character Introduction

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A long time ago the balance of two worlds: The Human World and Ayakashi World got disrupted until a Priestess named Kagami Taira appears and restored the balance. Since then, it became a duty to the Kagami Clan to be the middle man of two worlds, 6 divine beasts get interested to the priestess and swore allegiance and protection to the clan. The priestess agreed and let them drunk some of her blood as a pact and as they continue their duty love has bloomed to them. They all fell in love and got together but their happiness didn't long as some of the Kagami clan disagreed as well as the families of the beasts and they started the war. Priestess Kagami Taira wants the two worlds to live in harmony but at this time it cannot be happened, the divine beasts and the priestess did everything in their power to stop them the war continued for a month until they were able restore the balance again. The Priestess exiled the traitors same to the beasts' families. Then one day while the priestess is having a walk outside, she got ambushed and killed, the divine beasts couldn't believe it when everything is getting better it has come to this but before the priestess held her final breath all of them entered the binding vow and promised to meet again, and when that time comes all of them will be happy. Ever since that day all Kagami born and reach the age of 16 needs to step up to be the new master in order to protect the two worlds along with the divine beasts who promised until the end to protect the master in any harm.


Kagami Taiga – The Priestess/Master

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Kagami Taiga – The Priestess/Master

- 16 years old

- The last remaining Kagami blood

- His blood is special and has a power to awakened whoever will drink, this is also the reason why he is always targeted

- Doesn't aware of his family history

- Reincarnation of Kagami Taira the very first Priestess

-          Reincarnation of Kagami Taira the very first Priestess

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Akashi Seijuro – Kirin

- 16 years old

- The Unicorn Royal Beast

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