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(P.S. Please think that the Kagami in the picture is female I couldn't find any female kagami T.T)


The Kagami clan is just a normal family until the Gods and Goddess Amaterasu, Susanoo and Tsukiyomi blessed the only daughter of the clan Kagami Taira a power, at first no one knows what it is but when the Taira reached the age of sixteen, she revealed to her family about the power she has and her duty. She will be the middleman and guardian of the two worlds in order to remain the balance of them, then later she met the 6 divine beasts who watched her from the very start they got attracted to her pure heart and smile, and they swore that they will protect her and everything she also protects.

The Divine beasts are:

Kirin: Akashi Seiichi
Komainu: Murasakibara Asami
Hakujya: Midorima Shunsuke
Ryu: Aomine Daigo
Kitsune: Kise Ryuzaki
Tengu: Kuroko Tomoki

As they spend their days together all of them fell in love some of the clan supports them but some hates the idea as there are some people in the clan and other ayakashis wants Taira for themselves or wants her dead, therefore they started a war. Taira is very saddened to what happened and along with her guardians they fight.

"Why? Everything is peaceful, we almost in the verge of co-existing of two worlds" – Taira

"We will never want to live with those monsters! They will kill us someday open your mind, Kagami Taira!"

"No one wants to live with you humans! You are weak and only food to us!"

"You are not going to hurt her!" – Daigo

"Not all humans are bad as well as ayakashi, we can all live together" – Ryuzaki

"You are also ayakashi like us and also the powerful why are you siding with that ugly human girl?!"

"Because we love this world! Both worlds have unique things and I believe we will understand each other!" – Shunsuke

"Yes! Like us and Taira-san we understand each other and was able to know each other as well" – Tomoki

"You only want the Priestess blood, right?! That's why you are here, you are going to kill her!

"Yes, it is true that Taira-chin's blood is delicious and sweet but that's not it she accepted us for who we are" – Asami

"We swear to protect her and we love her, so we will do whatever it takes to protect her and protect what she wants to protect!" – Seiichi

The war continued for a month and finally they were able to stop them and Taira sealed all ayakashi who are included to the war while from her clan she exiled them all and sealed their power whom she shared with and banished them in their lands. After the war the couples are now happy and enjoying their life until a man who was possessed by an ayakashi ambushed Taira who is just walking outside the clan, she was stabbed to her heart; her guardians immediately sensed her and arrived too late because of anger Seiichi purify the man and killed the ayakashi, the lands trembles from the wrath of the divine beasts but Taira called them calmly and weak.

"P-please don't be angry this is bound to happened, this is m-my fate as the one who blessed such power" – Taira

"No! You are doing what you think is right! They don't understand your kindness" – Ryuzaki

"We cannot be happy without you!" – Shunsuke

"You are the one who accepted us and taught us how to understand humans, you can't just leave us like that!" – Tomoki

"Please stay strong, I already called help so please don't close your eyes." – Seiichi

"You promised that we will be always together!" – Asami

"You are our light Taira please don't leave us!" – Daigo

"I l-love you all but I *cough* n-no matter what I am happy to be loved b-by you all, sorry I can't be by your side from now on but I will always love you all" – Taira

"We also want that and there's no one can replace you, therefore Taira *lip bites* before you leave, please let's do the binding vow, we will love you over and over, we are going to find you no matter what you are and no matter how many years we will never get tired in finding you. Our descendants as well as yours will continue to protect the two worlds, we promised you that" – Seiichi

"I will w-wait then... I love you..." – Taira

The priestess died in the arms of her beloveds but their promise will forever leave on. Since then, the first guardians also follow her death after years as they still longing for her and couldn't take her passing. For years The Kagami Clan protects the two worlds while the divine beasts' family continues to aid the Kagami clan and new sets of Priestess and beasts born, Taira and the beats born every time and fell in love over and over but Taira is always gets killed in every hard battle they faced. Taira couldn't take it every time she remembers her past all she can see is her lovers' pain and she can't take it eventually blames herself, until the recent battle she died and her soul decided to erase all her memories and didn't reborn. Her lovers cried as they couldn't find her soul everywhere the Priestess cycle also halted, the clan are so worried and longing for their Light. The beasts didn't stop looking for her, then 100 years passed since.

Present Time

"We are going to find you no matter what you are and no matter how many years we will never get tired in finding you"

"I will wait then..."


The sound of alarm goes off to wake someone up, the sunlight shone between curtains and reach someone's face *groan* the man groaned and slowly sits up "M-morning already?" he stands and walks to the window and opened the curtains then he stares outside a little "What dream was that? Hmm... It's not so important I guess" he smiled then his phone rings.

"Hello! Good evening, ah I guess its morning there *chuckles* how are you did already arrive?"
"Yeah, I think 5 hours ago? I am so sleepy and still have some jet lag so I sleep immediately in a nearby hotel"
"Then good to know but be careful, okay? You are the only one there it will still take a little time for me to follow there."
"I know I'll be fine I can take care of myself come on"
"I am just worried about my baby brother you know"
"I am not a baby anymore. Well, I need to leave the hotel now and go to the family's house that my dad wrote in his will"
"Okay again be careful, okay? See you soon Taiga!
"See you too Tatsuya!

The call ended and Taiga sighed, then look outside again "A brand new day has come! It's been a while Japan!" he said.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07 ⏰

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