Fever Dreams

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          Max woke up with a throbbing headache. He sat up slowly out of bed and trudged upstairs.

         "Why aren't you dressed for school yet?" Hank asked Max.

         Max looked up at him wearily with a scrunched up face and said, "Moon's full tonight, I feel like crap."

         "I'm sorry sweetie, but this isn't like super school, we have to protect our secret, you have to go to school," Barb apologized.

         Max looked at them in disbelief, "But people will know something's up!"

          "If you're out sick every month people will know something's up," Hank looked at him sternly, "You are going to school, and that is final, now go get dressed and get moving,"

         Max sighed loudly and went back downstairs, it was going to be a long day.

         He was in a forest, running at inhuman speeds, howling, feeling like he just downed ten cups of plain black coffee, when all of a sudden, he catches a scent.

         He bolts of into the direction of the smell, only to be stunned for a little bit. Then, a violent, throbbing pain that felt like daggers stabbing him coursed through his body.

          Someone shrouded by darkness came into view only enough to see his- no her silhouette. She pulled out a silver dagger that glinted in the full moon light and swiftly stuck in in his side. Then, a loud ringing sounded from the forest, becoming louder, and louder until-

Max, Max, Max!

         Max quickly took his head off his desk and saw the teacher next to his desk, poking a rular into his side.

         "Wha, What's goin on?" Max asked, half awake.

         Some giggles emitted for the class, but it went silent as the teacher announced, "See class, this is what happens when you stay up all night on those phones, now get out, so you can continue your nap in another class,"
The teacher went back up to the front, squeaking the marker on the board, just a little more annoyingly bone chilling than usual, gosh he hated full moons.

         Oyster nudged Max lightly in the side as they both picked up their binders and books, "Dude, are you okay? That looked like one crazy nightmare,"

         "Yea, yea, just had a rough night," Max replied. He felt like he over slept and under slept at the same time.

         Max hated having to lie, wait- no he didn't. Dang, this full moon must be a pretty strong one for him to care, ugh.

         When Max got home he laid face down on the couch (facing away from the butt groove) and groaned loudly from the massive headache he had.

         Later in the day he started feeling his usual fever, and he ached all over.

         Once his sister got home from her stupid hobbies, Max, from his facedown position pulled his hand out from underneath him and hung it in the air with the palm up.

        Pheobe rolled her eyes, sighed, then bent down and used her freeze breath on his hand.
Max took his hand and put it on his forehead and said a muffled "thank you" with his face still in the couch cushion, with his nose barely hanging out, because, you know, he has to breathe.

         Pheobe softly smiled, and walked away while shaking her head. That was their thing they did. By now, she just knew that if he had his hand out like that, she was supposed to use her freeze breath on it.

         Dispite their usual rivalry, they had a bond. They we family, they were twins, and that was more powerful than any dispute.
But, as much as she loved him (as a brother, nothing weird) she hated him. As a supe she was labled as different, a phenomenon.

           When she was younger she tried to start rumors, like he was adopted, or was switched at birth, but she knew that wasn't the case, and she had to live with it.

         She knew she shouldn't feel this way, it wasn't his fault. He was just born that way, destined to be a freak.
          At least in this new place nobody knew they were supes, she had a chance to make friends. Friends who go to her house, and walk home from school with her, and don't give her weird looks when she talks about her family.
         She could have a normal life and go to high school with normal people and have normal hobbies and just be normal.

          This was so exciting, but she was worried that Max might ruin this for her, she couldn't have that, she wouldn't have that. Even though they had a bond, that would never stop that little voice in the back of her head, that told her so many hateful things when she thought of her brother.

          He was her bestfriend, her brother, and her enemy. Now, with this new life, he was less of a bestfriend and their friendship was fading away.

          As much as she tried to hold on to it, that bond, eventually the only thing they will have in common is blood and a deep hatred, fueled by jealousy and greed.

          But, for now, they would have each other and their family. And they could hold on to that simplicity, for now.


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