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Aalia's POV
Album Release day

I woke up and did my morning routine, I'm excited as hell cuz today I release my Album Strangers and the Label decided to throw me a party

After i freshen up I go downstairs and start on breakfast for everyone, Hunxho is still on the couch knocked out and the only one awake was Xhosen

Aalia: Good morning handsome *Smiles*

Xhosen: Good morning Lia *Smiles*

Aalia: Is your sister up?

Xhosen: No she's still sleep, what are you making?

Aalia: Breakfast, go get washed up so you can eat

Xhosen: Okay

He went to go wash up them Izara woke up

Izara: Hi mommy

Aalia: Hi princess

I gave her a kiss on the cheek

Izara: Where's da da?

Aalia: He's on the couch sleeping

She made her way over to the couch and was trying to wake him up

Izara: Daddy get up

Hunxho: *Grunts* Give me 5 more minutes princess

Izara: No daddy it's time to get up *Rolls eyes*

Hunxho: Okay princess *Smiles*

I couldn't help but smile cuz that was really cute he got up from the couch and came over to me, he gave me a kiss on the cheek

Hunxho: Good morning mamas

Aalia: Good morning Xho

Hunxho: Are you excited about today?

Aalia: Excited doesn't even cover it

He took a piece of turkey bacon and ate it

Hunxho: Wait is this pork?

Aalia: No it's turkey bacon

I rubbed his chin

Aalia: Can you get Izara ready?

Hunxho: yeah

He went and got her ready then Xhosen came out and asked if he could watch cartoons and I put them on for him

Xho left his phone on the counter and his phone started ringing, Paige was blowing his phone up hella times I decided to take it to him

Aalia: Xho Paige keeps calling you

Hunxho: Okay she can wait

After I finished making breakfast I made everyone a plate, I told them the food was ready and they came in the kitchen and ate while I was getting ready

I had to go to the label so we can go over last minute things for my album, They also wanna talk to me about the release party

As I was getting ready Hunxho came in the bathroom

Aalia: Where are the kids?

Hunxho: They're eating and watching tv

Aalia: What are you finna do?

Hunxho: I'm finna take a shower

Aalia: While I'm in here!?

Hunxho: Mmcht Aalia you've seen this dick before stop actin brand new *Smirks*

I was blushing cuz he not lying I definitely seen that dick before

Aalia: Whatever nigga *Rolls eyes*

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