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137 7 3

3 weeks later
Aalia's POV

It's been 3 weeks since my album dropped and it was on the top 100 chart within the first two days, I can smell another Grammy coming, I already have two from the last album

My manager told me that my fan base is growing and I'm now a B list celebrity God is so good, also Izara's 3rd birthday is today and I'm in the process of finishing preparations for her birthday party

Hunxho and Paige made up apparently and I'm not really feeling it but it is what it is, Xhosen is coming back today from his mom's house and Izara is so excited

I'm thankful that those two are getting closer and me and Xhosen are also getting close too, Jayda and Loyal is over here helping me decorate

Jayda: I can't believe you have a 3 year old Lia

Aalia: I know Time is flying by way too fast

Jayda: I know but it's not like you can't have another

Aalia: Girl bye I'm not having anymore kids anytime soon, I got too much going on

I'm not really lying I got concerts and music awards to attend to, not only that I got music videos to put out and songs to write

Jayda: Well whenever you get pregnant I feel like you gon have a boy

Aalia: Why you think that?

Jayda: It's just a feeling

The party is finna start soon and guest are about to arrive so I go get ready then I get  Izara ready

Jayda and Loyal was already ready so now it's just time for the guest to come

I got a call from Hunxho

*On the phone*

Hunxho: Hey mamas

Aalia: Don't mamas me nigga where y'all at?

Hunxho: Chill we on our way now

Xhosen was in the back seat

Xhosen: Hi Lia

Aalia: Hey baby are you excited to see Izara?

Xhosen: Yes!!!

Paige: Calm tf down

Hunxho: Don't talk to my son like that

Aalia: I'll see you when you get here

Hunxho: Ight

*Phone Call Ends*

Imma beat her ass cuz who tf is she talking to like that?, Within a few minutes Hunxho, Paige, and Xhosen arrived

Xhosen ran up and gave me a hug

Aalia: Hi honey I missed you

Xhosen: I've missed you too Lia

Izara: Xho xho!!

Xhosen: Ra ra happy birthday

Izara: Thank you

They gave each other a hug

Hunxho: Hey princess happy birthday

Izara: Hi daddy

He picked her up and attacked her with kisses

Izara: Mommy can we go play?

Aalia: Yeah but don't mess up your hair and clothes

Izara: Okay

Hunxho put her gift on the gift table and came back, Paige of course was acting like a deer in headlights, she admired my awards and the platinum plaque on the wall

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