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Unlike most drivers on the grid, Y/n was different. Not because she's a woman, well maybe that's part of the problem, but not the main problem. You see the main problem was that, unlike most of the drivers, Y/n didn't come from money. Unlike most of the drivers Y/n didn't have an entire team behind her success. 

There were five people who contributed to her success, her dad, her uncle, her brother, Nico and herself. Y/n's dad was the one who originally sparked her interests in carting. He took her carting every weekend, without missing a beat. He was the reason she realised she wanted to be a woman dominating a male dominated industry. Beating her dad in go carting was something that lied at the top of her bucket list. Something that never came true unfortunately. And honestly, she was glad it never came true, thats how she liked it to remain. Because in her mind her dad was unbeatable, and she always wanted it to stay the same in her heart. 

Her dad passed away in a fatal car accident while she was only 9 years old, leaving her in custody of her uncle and her brother, who actually happened to be her dads brothers, but due to the fact that the youngest brother was oder than her only by an year or so, she always considered him her brother. The three of them always worked on her carts together. She didn't have a trainer or a mechanic, she only had her uncle and her brother, and that was enough for her.

As for Nico, well thats something you'll find out soon, as you go on reading.

Despite all of the obstacles she's always been grateful about everything, and everyone in her life. Maybe that's what made her such an empathetic, kind, and amazing person.


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