Chapter One

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C h a p t e r O n e

It's that day of the year. September 12th, the Friday a month before homecoming. And I had tried so hard to be sick...

The day where the whole school is (for once) alive with anticipation and excitement, wondering who could possibly be the honourable (a term I use as loosely as possible) Heartbreaker, who has the challenge of breaking four guys/girl's hearts before homecoming. For me, it's just another high school day.

The Sebastian High hallways were crowded with students, and as I weaved my way past them, I noted the past three Heartbreakers.

For the past three years, all the Heartbreakers have come from my year, from freshmen to junior. First off there's the freshman Heartbreaker, Alex Cross. From what I've heard, the reason he got the girls was because he was hot - what a strategy to get the girls. But even I couldn't deny that Alex was hot. His sandy-blond hair fell down to his shoulders, framing his thin, pale face and bright blue eyes that sparkled with amusement and irony. He always dressed the same, in jeans and a baseball shirt.

Next was the sophomore Heartbreaker, Dylan Asler. Dylan had gotten the girls by having then tutor him (he really was awful at school), and then tricking them. I didn't know how; I mean, he was cute, but not what I considered hot. He had short, black hair gelled up and brown eyes, complete with his leather jacket, even though we all knew that Dylan still had his mum drive him to school every day. Bad boy, my ass.

And then, the junior Heartbreaker: Beckett Dyle. Out of all of the arrogant, asshole guys who had been Heartbreakers, Beckett was definitely the smartest, and the one I had the most respect for. He had gotten the girls to sleep with him by picking the simplest four girls you could possibly get: the attention whores and invisible girls who beg for others to look at them and for boys to tell them they loved them. He broke them all in a week.

Also, Beckett was hot. Red-brown hair, dark hazel eyes, and a thin face with high cheekbones. He always wore Thirty Seconds to Mars shirts and jeans, and may I just say, he looked pretty damn fine in them. He was hot, but he had never really noticed me. No one in my school had - frankly, I would've liked to keep it that way.

"Has Riley opened his locker yet?"

"No, I don't think so."

"Do you think he'll pick me? I would love to have him break my heart."

"I wonder if he'll ask for Beckett's help. I mean, Beckett was definitely more successful than Dylan or Alex..."

The snippets of conversation I caught from the girls in the hallway made me laugh, which did get a few weird stares from everyone. I didn't care.

Every year, the student body tried to predict who was going to be chosen, and this year, the cheerleader bimbos had decided that the new Heartbreaker was going to be Riley Morrer, the foreign exchange student from France. Just the thought of that arrogant pig made me roll my eyes with disgust.


"Get out of my way!" Riley glared at me. "Honestly, what the hell are you doing here?"

I would've kicked his ass, but he was new, so I just looked at him blankly from underneath my baseball cap. "It's my locker, genius. I'm not moving."

Riley fixed me with a stare. "My locker is 696."

"Well," I snatched the paper and flipped it around. "It's 969."

Riley frowned at the paper for a few minutes, then flipped his curls and left. "And to think, I was being nice..." As he walked off, he flipped me off.

*end of flashback*

God, I hate that boy.

Putting all rude and mean thoughts about Riley Morrer aside, I weaved out of the students and stopped outside my locker. Thinking about Ms. Tashana's English paper, I went through the robotic combination movements to open my locker. 12 right, 6 left, 18 right, pull open.

A folded piece of white paper fell out of my locker onto the floor. Oh, shit. I darted my eyes right and left, and thankfully, no one saw anything. The perks of being invisible at high school.

I snatched the paper up and hid my body against the locker door. Ever so slowly, I opened it and read the words that began a whole lotta hell.

Hello, Senior Heartbreaker. Hope you have fun, bitch. I will.

1) Alex Cross
2) Dylan Asler
3) Beckett Dyle
4) Riley Morrer

Good luck. You'll need it.

Oh. My. God.

No. This could not be happening. I was the Heartbreaker of Sebastian High. Someone had chosen me. Why? I couldn't do it. I couldn't. No way could I pick four guys and break their hearts.

And why were Alex, Dylan, Beckett and Riley's names listed? Heartbreakers never got told their targets...but then again, I had probably pissed them off freshman year.

As the meaning of what was written in the paper sunk in, I swore rapidly in every language I knew. Shit. They were my targets. I had to break three Heartbreakers and an obnoxious prick in a month.

Are you wondering why I just don't ignore the paper, and don't break anyone's heart? I already did that, freshman year. I was chosen, and I ignored them. Now, I pissed them (well, whoever thought of the Heartbreakers) off, and I had to pay for it. Everyone in the school knows that if you can't complete the assignment given, you'll do a Serena Applby.

Serena Applby was a student here, twenty-something years ago, who didn't break all her targets within a day, and then she wound up dead in the lake. Did I believe the person who chose the Heartbreakers killed her? Okay, yes. It's happened for a while - people refused to do it, or couldn't complete it - they've all ended up dead, in someway or another. I don't know why I got off the hook four years ago, but now, they're back.

But as I stood there, staring at the note for the longest time, I knew that this wasn't going to end well.


Hi! So, this was an idea I've been thinking of for a while, and I finally decided to publish it. I'd love any support, in the shape of votes, comments, or even a new cover for the story (because let's be honest, the one I came up with isn't that good). I'm also writing this with my friend ryrythegreat on Wattpad, who's an amazing guy describer. Hope you guys enjoy the story!


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