chapter 1: The story of awake

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In the scorching desert, where the days brought sweltering heat and the nights brought bone-chilling cold, a solitary figure traversed the desolate road. Amidst the swirling dust, a sleek motorcycle tore through the barren landscape, its speed matching that of a bullet fired from a gun. This road, once witness to the lifeless bodies of animals, now held the haunting presence of fallen human corpses. As the rider passed, some unfortunate souls became a macabre feast for the surviving creatures. The rider, a young woman adorned in a black coat, possessed eyes that radiated a brilliance akin to a celestial star, surpassing even the sun in its luminosity. With a deft maneuverer, the skilfully veered off the beaten path, executing a high jump off a ramp to forge ahead on a new trajectory. The girl's destination remained shrouded in mystery, vet her unwavering gaze of deep, dark brown eyes hinted at an unrelenting pursuit. "An eerily deserted road, an enigmatic girl astride a motorcycle capable of defying fate," it may seem an incongruous sight, but it signifies her indomitable will to survive. Do you yearn to uncover the origins of this tenacious surviver? Then join me on this extraordinary joumey, for the truth lies not only in its revelation but also in the malevolence that illuminates my own story." The motorcycle surged forward, propelling the 25-year- old woman into a heart-pounding confrontation with a horde of dishevelled assallants. These wretched individuals sought to capture her, but she swiftly dispatched them with her unyielding resolve, countering their rusty bullets with a mere flick of her iron-clad hand, Undeterred by their feeble attempts, she pressed on, her motorcyde a formidable weapon against the backdrop of this desolate road. However, as the bike decelerated, a poignant scene unfolded before her eyes. A destitute child stood at the roadside, extending a pleading hand toward her. "Sister, you arrived too late!" the girl exclaimed, swiftly pulling the five-year-old child onto the bike, shielding him from the perils that lurked. "Sorry babal" she said on being tired, a glimmer of joy dancing in the child's eyes as he unfurled an Indian flag, proudly raising it aloft into the air.

The scene unfolded within a camp, where a contingent of battle-hardened US soldiers and determined civilians had gathered. Their presence was in anticipation of an important announcement. Standing at the centre, the General of the esteemed Zombie Defender Ultra International US Army, spoke on behalf of all the vallant citizens who had chosen to join their forces, leaving behind their families to safeguard the world. The gravity of the moment hung palpably in the air as he declared their intent to wage war against the murderous monstrosities that plagued their existence. "To vanquish these abominable creatures, we require the classified document of a new weapon, hidden away within the enigmatic Eastern world, It was crafted by a brilliant scientist, whose name remains unknown, lost to the sands of time. Acquiring this weapon shall ensure our triumph, Now, I ask you, who among you possesses the audacity and strength, unparalleled in their bravery, to embark on this perilous journey and retrieve it? We cannot allow the cunning zombies to discover our presence in the Western world, lest they launch an immediate assault. We can only dispatch a select group of individuals, operating cavertly... As the General's words hung in the air, a profound silence settled upon the crowd. Uncertainty and trepidation gripped their hearts, causing their hands to tremble and falter. "Is there no one?" he queried, his voice echoing through the stillness Thers, in a sudden and unexpected tum of events, a lone figure emerged from the crowd, raising his hand defiantly. "I will go! Yes, I will undertake this mission! My name is Rohit Gupta, hailing

from India, and the document resides within my country. I am a retired police officer! His declaration resounded with determination and resolve

At that moment, a weathered, 62-year-old man ascended the stage. "Are you absolutely certain? Can your shoulders bear the weight of this perilous journey?" The leader questioned, his voice tinged with concern, Without warning, he swiftly retrieved a concealed gun from the leader's pocket and fired a warning shet into the distance. Fear gripped the crowd, scattering them in disarray, as they realized that a shrewd and canning zombie spy had been eavesdropping on their conversations. In this ever-evolving world, the zombies themselves had begun to exhibit traits akin to humanity. They were dubbed which the citizens shouted, "Tyrants!!!" a portmanteau of the words "Typical" and "zombie." It was no doubt that Rohit, had enough strength for this missing but when every thing was decided and he was going to sign it, leaving the pen, he hold his chest. "Me Rohit! What happened?"

RESIDENT EVIL 2: THE EVIL OF THE REVEAL, SEASON 2Where stories live. Discover now