chapter 2: The city was not in intermediate peril

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Chapter 2: The city was not in immediate peril

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Chapter 2: The city was not in immediate peril.

Intro(beginning)- Seated at his desk, Steve, a teenage boy, gazed intently at the loading screen of a video game he had been engrossed in. Headphones securely in place, he was lost in virtual reality. However, in a bone-chilling twist of events, a hand emerged from the depths of the computer screen, firmly gripping Steve's neck, "Steve, save us! Steve, you must save us!" A cacophony of echoing voices filled his ears, causing unimaginable pain. Desperately, he attempted to free himself from the grip, but his efforts proved futile, resulting only in the spilling of blood from his ears. Tears streamed down his face, his eyes burning with agony. The blood vessels beneath the surface of his eyes pulsed ominously, an unsettling sight to behold.

The scene then shifted, revealing Zara lying motionless on the floor. Her eyes widened as an incessant whirring noise reverberated throughout the room, causing her head to spin. Sensations of weightlessness flooded her senses as she realized she was not alone, but rather perched inside a peculiar flying contraption-an unconventional helicopter of sorts.

"Who are you?" she called out, her voice resounding with a tinge of desperation, in her native Hindi. "And where are my father and mother?" Mid-question, a sharp pang shot through her foot, only to find it now wrapped in snug bandages. The helicopter veered sharply, disrupting her balance, causing her to stumble into the arms of a young man with electrifying blue hair and piercing blue eyes. "Please, dear lady, remain seated... This is not a helicopter? Yes?" he replied dismissively, whilst offering a derisive smile, leaving her to fend for herself, perched upon the unforgiving floor. As the helicopter soared towards another country, rampant with an alarming spread of infected individuals, they caught sight of a school bus making its way along treacherous roads. Its speed and audacious turns left bystanders in awe as it deftly maneuverer through the perilous landscape. Determined, the heroic driver of the helicopter took a leap of faith, propelling himself onto the moving bus. With remarkable agility, he sprinted through the bus, executing a swift, acrobatic move, only to stumble and fall in front of the vehicle. Yet, miraculously, he managed to grip the bus, halting its progress, his motion- less legs dangling into the bus as he positioned himself to enter the bus, which shattered the confines of its front window.

As the heroic driver struggled to break the glass with his jointed legs, his intentions were clear - he aimed to incapacitate the deranged bus driver, a mindless zombie who sat in the driver's
seat, his mouth gripping the brake handles while his hands aimlessly manipulated the steering wheel in both clockwise and anticlockwise motions.

It was evident that he had succumbed to the infection, rendering him incapable of rational thought. The courageous driver, his eyes a captivating fusion of green and brown, entered the bus with a commanding
presence, boidly declaring, "Incompetent driver! Worthless zombie!" The innocent children
erupted with cheers, their innocent hearts lifting at the sight of their newfound hero. Yet, their jubilation was short-lived, for they soon realized that the only other person was the helpless driver's seat and the fearless steering of the bus, that was devoid of any driving expertise.

RESIDENT EVIL 2: THE EVIL OF THE REVEAL, SEASON 2Where stories live. Discover now