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A few days later
Jungkook:"Don't be stubborn yn  !"
Yn(looking away):"Ok then I am not going home huh !!"
Jungkook:"Are you insane ?!!!! How can I give you piggyback ride ??!!"
You glared at him and stuffed a few crisps in your mouth.
Yn:"And why can't you ??!!!"
He gritted his teeth in annoyance.
Jungkook:"It's a long way for God's sake yn !!! I can't give you piggyback ride for an hour !!"
You rolled your eyes and looked at him up and down, with judging eyes.
Yn:"Liar ! I know the truth is you don't have the strength to lift me ! All these muscles are fake sh!t."
His jaw dropped in disbelief as he clenched his fists.
Jungkook:"You are fake ! My muscles are so real ! These are my hardwork of years !"
He boasted patring his biceps and you gave him I-don't-believe-you look.
He chuckled humorlessly before glaring at you. You were enraging him.
And a few minutes later...... He was giving you a piggyback ride back to home. You were swinging legs to and fro while munching on your chips.
Jungkook:" aren't even half of the weight of my dumbbell."
Yn(not interested):"Yeah yeah !"
Jungkook:"What yeah yeah ? I am serious. All my muscle and abs are so real !"
He told you proudly.
Yn(still not interested):"So ?"
Jungkook:"What do you mean so ? I know you're impressed. You don't need to hide the appreciation you are feeling for my strength -- mmm-"
You stuffed the chips in his mouth making him shut up.
He frowned and chewed the chips aggressively before opening his mouth to speak again but more chips were stuffed in his mouth and he got a warning from his moody wife.
Yn:"If you speak again before we reach home I will stuff this plastic wrap in your mouth I swear !"
Hence he decided it was better to keep his mouth shut. He knew if his wife said it she could do it too. He knew her enough to know that she was a crazy lady and pregnancy mood swings added more to her already crazy craziness.

Three months later
Yn:"I said I want to eat frozen milk !!!"
You shouted and he sighed.
Jungkook:"Yn, for the thousandth time you can't eat cold milk ! You'll get sick ! It's winters !"
Yn(throwing cushion at him):"Don't Tell me what to do and what not to do ! Just get me frozen milk !"
Jungkook (grabbing his head in hands):"God this woman !!"
Yn:"Just do as I say or I am calling my dad !"
Jungkook:"Go ahead ! Call him ! I'll tell him your demand and he'll be by my side as well !"
He warned making you whin. You suddenly changed your strategy.
Yn:"Jungkookahhh ~ please ~"
This time you looked at him cutely with puppy eyes making him choke on air with slightly widened eyes. He knew you were doing this because of your pregnancy hormones but no denial....he felt his cheeks heating up.
Jungkook:"ᵈᵒⁿ'ᵗ ᵐᵃᵏᵉ ᵗʰᵒˢᵉ ᵉʸᵉˢ~"
He muttered but you didn't hear and grabbed his forearm shaking him slightly with an adorable pout on your pink lips.
His heart thudded hard against his chest at your adorable action and he looked away with red cheeks. He had been feeling strange things for you since past few days and this feeling was so new to him leaving him flustered and confused.
He looked away and cleared his throat before standing up and going away towards kitchen.
Jungkook:"O-okay fine but j-just two bites !"
He voiced out before jogging towards kitchen and you grinned childishly before rubbing your belly.
Yn:"Yeahhh !! Baby now we'll eat frozen milk !!"

Yn:"Yah ! You can't even push trolley fast !"
You taunted while making displeased faces and he frowned.
Jungkook:"I am not careless like you okay ? What if some accident happens ??"
He said while looking around at the shelves and picking a few packets of snacks, handing them to you. You were sitting in the fre@king trolley and he had no way but to obey his pregnant wife's hormones. He was pushing the trolley slowly not paying any heed to your constant commands of fast ride.
Yn:"You're so boring b@stard ! Nothing exciting!"
You huffed scrunching your nose and he scoffed.
Jungkook:"Shut the h€ll up crazy woman !"
Yn:"yah ! How dare you call me crazy- oh I want kisses !"
The moment those words erupted out of your throat he froze.
The trolley stopped and you looked back at him with a frown decorating your forehead.
He was standing like a statue ?
Yn(shaking his arm):"Yah ! Jungc0ck ! I said I want kisses !!!"
He looked at you with wide eyes not believing that you wanted k!sses ????!!!!! And the weird thing was, his heart was suddenly beating too fast at that demand !!! Shouldn't he be angry or irritated ???!!!!
Seeing him oogling at you with wide eyes you grunted annoyed and slightly smacked his forearm.
Yn:"Coconut head ! I am talking to you ! Give me freaking kisses !"
He gulped with his racing heart.
Jungkook:"W-why ?"
You frowned.
Yn:"What do you mean why ??!! Because I am craving for k!sses !"
He inhaled and slightly started leaning towards you, but stopped at some distance away from you. He swore he felt like he couldn't breath properly due to all the nervousness creeping up into him.
Jungkook:"W-where do you want k-kisses ??!"
His voice barely came out. However your frown deepened at his words. Had he gone crazy or was he still half asleep ???! What the heck was he asking ??!!
Yn(scowling):"In my mouth of course ! On my tongue !"
And a huge crowd of butterflies spawned in his stomach at your words, along with his heart that thudded hard against his chest walls.
You wanted k!sses in your mouth ! Not even on the lips ??!!! It meant you wanted fr€nch k!ss !!! But he didn't know how to k!ss !!! No he knew how to k!ss he had seen that on screen multiple times !!!! But he never did it of course !!!! So what ??!! Everything has a first time ! And this was going to be his first time right here right now !!! He could do it !!! He was fre@king out internally !!! Fighting !!!! He tried to encourage himself, but no what if his wife doesn't like the way he will k!ss her ??!!!! Oh no !!! Too much pressure ! Too much pressure !!!!
Seeing him zoning out you were getting agitated.
Yn:"Yahhh !"
He was startled out of his thoughts.
Jungkook (swear tricking down his forehead):"W-what ??!!"
Yn(furiously):"I just asked for fre@king kisses ! Why are you acting like I demanded your good-for-nothing kidneys ???!!!! Hurry up give me my k!sses !!!"
He scoffed internally.
Jungkook:"do you think giving k!sses is so easy ??!!!"
Yn:"Of course !!! It's easy ! why the heck is it difficult ??!! It doesn't require any rocket science for you to give me a few kisses !!"
Jungkook:"Ok ok fine ! Be a little patient ! I am giving you the k-k!sses !"
You rolled your eyes.
Yn:"I am being patient enough ! You be quick !"
He gulped for the upteenth time and inhaled sharply but still felt jitters of nervousness. He leaned a little more close to you but stopped after found you looking at him. D@mn it ! Why did his knees felt wobbly ??!!
Jungkook:"y-you want kisses here ??!!! In the convenience store???!!! Let's go home, I'll give you there !"
A futile attempt to get himself sometime to prepare for giving you good k!sses.
Yn(puzzled):"What ???!!! I came here in this convenience store to get my kisses ! Why would I go home without them ??!!!"
He was utterly baffled.
Jungkook:"The heck ??!!! You came here to get k!sses ??!!! So you had everything planned in this little mind of yours ???!!!! But why here ??!! Why not at home ??!!!!"
Now you were getting seriously angry.
Yn:"What non sense are you spitting out of your bunny mouth ! Just give me kisses ! And let's go ! I am getting tired too !!!"
He inhaled deeply.
Jungkook:"O-okay ! Fine ! But if you don't like k!sses I give won't say anything bad ! Please !"
Yn:"Why won't I like k!sses ??!!! I always like kisses !!"
His jaw dropped in disbelief.
Jungkook:" have had k!sses before and You always liked them ????!!!!!"
Yn:"Of course I did !!!!!"
A gasp of shock left his mouth.
Jungkook:"H-how many times ???!!!"
Yn:"Countless times ???!!!!"
A lava of jealousy erupted inside him at that. His cheeks puffed up in jealousy and his nostrils flared. Smoke came out of his ears.
Jungkook (extremely jealous):"How could you.....Just forget every kiss you ever had !!!! And.....and you will just remember k!sses I will give you !!! Promise me !!"
You looked at him like he had gone nuts.
Yn:"Looks like you finally lost your last braincells. Why will I forget the kisses I had ! I love k!sses !"
He cupped your face in his big hands which made a slight pout of your lips as he spoke restlessly, being possessive.
Jungkook:"so what if you love kisses ??!!! Forget every kisses you ever had and just remember the kisses I will give you okay ??!!! love my kisses only !!!!"
You looked at him and blinked.
Yn:"You need to go to mental asylum ! Your brain is not braining anymore !"
Jungkook:"Huh ? Yah yn I said....."
You cut him off.
Yn:"Are you going to give me my k!sses or not ???!!!"
Jungkook:"I will give you if you promise me-"
You again cut him off.
Yn:"Ok fine ! Don't give me ! I will ask that helper !"
His eyes grew large in horror and his heart was dropping.
Jungkook :"What ???!!! You will ask from someone else ??!!! How could you ??!!!"
You ignored him royally.
Yn:"Hey ! Hello Mr can you please come here and give me k!s- mmmm-"
This time he cut you off by caging your soft lips in between his own.
You froze and looked at him with your eyes opened like saucers. But he had his eyes closed and he started moving his lips slowly. It created a strange sensation in your stomach. His k!ss started becoming deep and he tilted his head for even more deep k!ss. Slowly your eyes started getting close too.
Both of you could feel each other's fast heartbeats.
He carefully picked you up from the trolley and you wrapped your legs around his waist. He protectively held you, and pressed your back against a shelf. You had your arms wrapped around his neck as his one arm held your waist tightly while the other hand was placed in between your cheek and nape. He l!cked your lower lip and you automatically opened your mouth, giving him permission. He entered his t0ngue inside and you both mo@ned at the new sensation that sent waves of electricity through your bodies.
And you both did a k!ss-......well a fr€nch k!ss.
After a whole lot of minutes you both parted away and panted heavily. A string of saliva connected your lips. Your both slowly opened your eyes and gazed into each other's before your faces became red. He slowly sm00ched your lips and looked at you.
Yn:"You're blushing !"
Jungkook:"You're blushing !"
You both said at the same time and blinked.
He gulped as his thumb caressed your cheek.
Jungkook (whispering):"Did you like it ? My k!sses ?!"
His heart was racing in nervousness of what you may reply.
Yn(biting your lower lip):" felt good."
He felt relief creeping up in his heart.
Your fingers unconsciously played with collar line of his t shirt.
Jungkook:"Now will you forget all the other k!sses right ? Promise me you will only remember my k!sses !"
He looked at you with pleading eyes and a scowl again appeared on your forehead.
Yn:"Yah- you are again at it ? Are you drunk or something ???!! What are you even talking about ??!!"
Jungkook:"Yah- just promise ! And yes don't you dare ask k!sses from someone else ! Only I can give you k!sses !!!"
Yn:"You dumbhead ! You are making no sense at all ! Anyways, leave me and I will get my k!sses by myself !"
This time he scowled.
Jungkook:"Yah ! What do you mean by you will get-"
Yn:"Jeon f-cking Jungkook ! I want packets of k!sses !!!!"
He froze.
What the f-ck ??!!
You wanted....what ??!!!!

His face was red from embarrassment while you were standing beside him with a grin, amused by his embarrassment.
He pushed the items towards cashier with puffed cheeks and at last put four three no four packets of damn kisses chocolate.
Jungkook:"How much ?"
The cashier told him the amount and Jungkook scanned his card before looking up at cashier.
Jungkook:"Thank you-"
He paused when he saw how cashier was looking at him with teasing eyes and a weird smile.
Jungkook (frowning and muttering under his breath):"Now what's with this man ?"
Jungkook raised his eyebrows asking in sign "what's wrong ? Why this gaze ?"
The cashier showed his thirty two teeth before pointing at the led with his eyes. Jungkook cluelessly averted his eyes to the screen but realization hit him like a truck. It was a damn cctv of the store. It meant that this cashier had seen them k!ssing !!!
He instantly looked at the cashier with wide eyes who wiggled his eyebrows in return making him even more embarrassed. He felt as if his face was on fire. However the cashier had unwavering grin on his face as he gave a thumbs up to Jungkook.
Grunting mutely he picked up the shopping bags and held your hand, taking you out of the store.

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