5 years later

I was in my office when Wooyoung burst in through the door his Blue hair perfectly framing his face in a very fromal outfit.

"Where are you going? Going to see thy mate?"I smugly questioned and he scoffed.

"First of all I don't do mates, and We have the day off today remember, we're going to an event on the Shadow pack's territory personal invite from their alpha."He paused. "Wait why am I telling you this weres Jimin?"

"Right here." Jimin appeared from behind him and he didn't even flinch.

"You should seriously stop that you'll scare someone." He said as Jimin came next to me and pet my head. He looked good his blue and silvery locks pushed back. He was wearing a white shirt with black pants and dress shoes.

"Good evening alpha." He smiled and I pushed his hand away. "Y'all do know I'm the alpha right."

"You're just like our little sister so even if you are alpha you're still younger than us." I huff then giggled at Jimins words.

"Anyway you were invited to a pack event at the Shadow pack personal invite." Jimin said and Wooyoung backed him.

"I told you."

"I can't leave the pack who will-"

"Sage you finished all your work, Wooyoungs armies are patrolling at every corner of our territory. The pack is safe you're a good leader but you need to rest too girl." Jimin said and I gave in.

"You're right maybe I should rest."

"Awesome, we've gotten the perfect outfit for you it's in your room."

"You're the best you guys." I quickly arranged the small pile of papers that were on my desk and went out of my office I went to the pack house and greeted all my subordinates, then I greeted all the omegas. I stopped by the pup school and said hie to all of them then went back to my place.

I went up to my room and opened the door to see Jisoo eonnie sitting on my bed wide smile on her face.  She looked beautiful in her red dress.

"Eonnie what are you doing here?"

"I'm here to get you ready duh now go shower fast."

She pushed me to my bathroom and I got into the shower.

'Hurry up alpha, hurry hurry.'

My wolf Tara kept pestering me making me kind of annoyed.

'Whats the rush girl?'

'I feel like something good is going to happen at this event I can feel it.'

She kept running around and i quickened my actions and quickly went out of the shower in a hurry making Jisoo look at me weirdly.

"Is it Tara?" She laughed knowing how my wolf is.

"She's been like this all day she's so excited about something I wonder what it is." I said as Jisoo blow dried my hair.

"I know that feeling that's how I felt before I met Hae-in. Maybe your mate is close by." She smiled and i scoffed. "Yeah right, Tara already likes parties so she's probably just extra excited about this one."

Jisoo did my hair and makeup then helped put on my dress.

"You look gorgeous alpha shall we leave." I smiled at my reflection in the mirror and smiled at myself in satisfaction. Wooyoung and Jimin had good tastes.

"Let's go." I put on my shoes and went down stairs. Everyone was waiting and as I went down all eyes went on me. Jimin and Wooyoung came to both sides of me and helped me get down.

"Girl you look better in this than I thought." Wooyoung said.

"You look beautiful alpha shall we leave?" Jimin said and I smiled then nodded to both of them and they escorted me to the car I got into the back with Wooyoung and Jimin on either side of me and Jisoo in front with the driver and another car that had my bodyguards and we set off. The journey was not that long just about and hour and the closer we got to the Shadow packs territory my heart beat faster and faster. I looked at Hae-in and Jisoo who held hands in front and at the star mark on her neck and I softly smiled.

What if she was right? I was about to find out because we reached the venue and Jimin helped me get out. I looked back at Hae-in who gave Jisoo a kiss before holding her hand as they walked behind Jimin and i cameras flashed and I modestly waved. I put on my mask and we went inside the venue and I could instantly feel all eyes on me we went onto our table and sat there for a while. I suddenly felt weird and when I looked behind me I saw a man looking at me weirdly and Tara began jumping around excitedly.

Yoongis Pov

Since the Twilight pack got here Drey, my wolf, has been acting weird. He's been restless making my heart beat extremely fast.

"Alpha are you okay?"

"Yeah, you look pale."

My Betas Namjoon and Seokjin asked me and I nodded.

"Yes I'm just a bit-."Suddenly my eyes caught sight of the most beautiful specimen I have ever set my eyes on. She walks into the room, and everyone turns to look at her. Her red dress clinging onto her curves, accentuating her figure. Her hair, styled to perfection, and her makeup is flawless. Her red lipstick bold and tempting. Her gorgeous legs perfectly fitting into her black stilettos. She exudes confidence and power, She is light and dark, good and bad. She is everything and nothing, all at once. And she knows it. She is a work of art, a living, breathing goddess.

 She is a work of art, a living, breathing goddess

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My wolf began pouncing around and holding so loudly that I'm sure it could have echoed in the hall

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My wolf began pouncing around and holding so loudly that I'm sure it could have echoed in the hall. I took slow steps towards her my betas tailing behind me. I got to where she sat and introduced myself.

"My lady." I bowed,  "I could not help but keep my eyes on you. And my admiration for you seems to grow the more I gaze at your unreal beauty." I found it super cute how she blushed at my words and it put my wolf on edge I grabbed her hand tenderly and was about to kiss it when I heard Drey shout.


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