Sages POV

The man walked up to me and my heart beat faster. I couldn't not make out his features because of his mask but I could tell he was quite attractive.

He stood in front of me with two men behind him I guess they were his betas.

"My lady he bowed,  I could not keep my eyes off you. And my admiration for you seems to grow the more I gaze at your unreal beauty." I blushed hard and Tara swooned.

He held my hand and I heard Tara jump around and howl loudly.


He kissed my hand and looked up at me with a smile.

"I'm Alpha Min..... mate." He said and everyone gasped. My heart skipped a beat from him calling me mate. I felt so aroused by the way the word swiftly can out of his perfect pink lips. His voice deep and smooth. I nearly melted in his touch.

Everyone began to applaud as the news was probably spread through someone's mind link.

"Omo omo omo! I knew it!!!!" Jisoo squealed.

"Mate?" Jimin asked. "What?!!!"

"Why is everyone finding one before me."Wooyoung fake cried but I could barely concentrate on what they were saying, I was so lost in Alpha Mins dark eyes.

"Care for a dance." He said and I just followed his lead. He was quite tall I was almost the same height with him in my heels but he was still taller than me. He put his hands on my waist and I wrapped my arms around his neck and lay my head on his shoulder as we began swaying to the music. I felt safe with him but I had a gut feeling something was going to go terribly wrong.

"I have waited a long time to find you love." He snuggled me softly and I smiled.

"I didn't expect to find you really, I'm cursed so." He held me tightly as we slowly swayed to the soft music being played.

"Do you want to talk about it love?"He asked and I shook my head.

"Not yet."

"I understand take all the time you want." He softly said making butterflies flutter fast in my heart .

"So what is your name mate?" That word.

"K-Kim Sage..."

"Sage, you like to be called mate?" He asked and I could feel the smirk on his face and I never felt this vulnerable. I shyly nodded and the blush on my cheeks increased.

"W-what's your name?" I asked and he froze.

"Hum I-uh."

"Now who's flustered," I giggled.

"I told you mine it's fair you tell me yours." I said I could feel the rapid beat of his heart  making me confused.

"I'm Min Yoongi." I froze. I felt my heart fall to my stomach and rage slowly bubble up in me.

"No you're lying." He took of his mask and looked at me and I noticed that familiar scar on his eye.Tara growled and it passed to me.

My eyes glowed red and I stared at him, the leader of the pack that led to the near downfall of my own.

"So it's you." I scowled.

"Sage calm down." he softly said and I almost gave in.

No Sage don't be weak for  this monster!

"I will have your head, I will avenge my father!!!"

Nobody's pov

Sage turned into her wolf and growled loudly. Wooyoung received her mind link and backed her up. She tried to pounce on him but he swiftly dodged her. Yoongi stared at her in shock. He now knew the curse she meant as he scanned her black and white wolf.

"Sage let's talk about this-"

Wooyoung came from behind him and pinned him to the ground. Yoongi was surprised no wolf was ever able to pin him down.

"Stop this, this instant!" The alpha of the Shadow Pack ,Alpha Choi San, said and Wooyoungs wolf went off Yoongi with a low growl.

"You both are lucky that I have immense respect for you and wouldn't want to start a fuss with the two most respected packs in Korea. Please settle your disputes off my territory I wouldn't want to startle my pack members." He said and they all nodded in understanding.

"Very well," Sage sent a mind link then she gazed straight into Yoongis eyes which were full of love for her but she couldn't care less.

"You and I are at war Min, expect me tomorrow at dawn we fight and I will finally avenge my father."

She said and left with the rest of the pack members and a tear strolled down Yoongis cheek he was hurt.

"Alpha what happened why didn't you send us a mind link. We could have easily-."Yoongi stopped him.

"No she's my mate I can't fight her, Besides we can't fight her alone did you see her wolf?"

"She wants your head alpha-."

"I said no and you listen to my orders. Put up the defensive forcefeild our pack has no involvement, it is between me and her." His commanding delta nodded and escorted him back to his vehicle.

Yoongi went back to his pack territory tired and exhausted. He went straight to his room and he felt a pain in his chest. He felt a strong headache which made him roll on the floor and after a minute the feeling faded. It was a side effects of being away from your soulmates touch before mating.

He had to find out why Sage hated him so much and what she meant by revenge.

'Does mate hate us Alpha?' Drey whimpered.

'I don't know pup let's research on her.' Yoongi weakly got up and went to his office. He was surprised to see his older brother sitting on his chair and rage bubbled in him.

"What are you doing her Park?"

"Calm down brother, I just missed you and our pack." He smirked making him disgusted.

"Do not call it that, you destroyed and abandoned this pack. Your mouth does not deserve to speak of it as your own Chanyeol." Yoongi spat and Chanyeol got up enraged.

"I only gave this pack the glory it deserved-."

"By killing the Alpha and his Luna!?" Yoongi growled and Chanyeol backed away in natural fear of the Alpha. Though he was older, he stood no chance against Yoongi and his wolf as it was much bigger and stronger than his.

"Listen to me Park Chanyeol, if I ever see you on my territory again. I will have your head on display at the entrance you would have used to get in here. Am I understood." Yoongi instantly sent a mind link for his most powerful guards to come back him up and had arrived just in time.

"Yes alpha.."Chanyeol said and was dragged away from the pack house and territory.

He turned back and smirked;

"Long live the alpha."

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