Chapter 1: Where it all Began

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Detka: Baby in Russian
Malen'kiy: Little One in Russian

You hadn't been able to sleep in days due to your ptsd nightmares keeping you up at night.

You did your best to cover up the dark circles under your eyes with makeup. When the team asked why you had been spending so much time in your room, you chalked it up to being on your period. The guys accepted your answer but Natasha would eye you skeptically with every excuse you gave them.

The dark thoughts cloud your mind as you sit and stare at the pictures on your bedroom wall. The smiling faces of yourself seem so foreign and strange. When was the last time that you had truly smiled?

You shivered as you pulled the blankets closer to your frail body. Now that you think about it you hadn't been eating much. It's like you have been stuck in a dissociative cycle.

You jumped when you heard a knock at your door.

"Y/n, it's me Natasha."

Looking around your messy bedroom you let out an exhausted sigh. When did things get so messy?

"Hold on." You said as you tried your best to clean up. Before opening your door you looked in the mirror and did your best to fix your makeup.

You cracked the door open and gave your best smile. "Hey." You said as sweetly and normal as you could manage.

Natasha could instantly tell that you weren't okay. "We haven't had a movie night in a while and I was wondering if maybe we could?" She suggested more than asked as she made her way through your door.

You panicked a little as she made her way into your dark and messy room. Usually your room was clean, and comfy. You always had candles lit and you usually sat and played Animal crossing or Stardew Valley when you weren't on missions. Instead the tv was off and covered with dust. There were no candles lit and your bed was cold and unmade.

"Ugh, you know tonight's not a great night. Maybe some other time." You said as you fidgeted with your hands as you avoided making eye contact.

Natasha walked closer to you as she slowly and gently placed her hand on your cheek. "Y/n, don't shut me out. What's wrong?"

Before you can stop yourself tears fall down your cheeks and land on her hand. "Please just go." You say in barely a whisper as you try to move away from her touch.

You felt like such a weak burden for falling apart in front of the strongest woman you had ever known. The woman in front of you had survived the literal red room and here you were barely able to cope with the trauma of your childhood.

You stopped in your tracks when you felt two strong hands grab you.

"Y/n, I'm not going anywhere." The redhead said as she pulled you into her arms. She felt her worry grow as she felt how much smaller you were in her arms.

As soon as you were in her embrace the sobs you were holding onto came crashing out as your body shook uncontrollably. The lack of eating, and sleep had finally caught up with you as your body collapsed into hers.

You could feel your own warm tears falling down your face as your vision grew darker. You could hear Natasha talking to you, but you were too tired to respond.

"Y/n! It's going to be okay my love." She says as she quickly picks up your unconscious body. "Friday. Alert Bruce that I'm bringing y/n to med bay."

The A.I. quickly responded, "I've alerted Bruce and Dr. Cho."


"Please wake up y/n, I love you. I can't lose you." Natasha said with tears in her eyes as she held your hand.

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