Chapter 2: A Little Bump On The Head

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Authors Note: There is mention of breastfeeding as the reader is an infant (little) in this chapter. The use of littles and caregivers in this story is based on age regression and not based on any type of sexual kinks. I was inspired by other stories where Peter Parker is a little and Pepper breastfeeds him. So in this story Peter is also a little and we will see him in other chapters.

You rub your tired eyes as you begin to wake up from what feels like the longest sleep you've ever had. A smile comes to your face when you smell something delicious coming from your kitchen.

Natasha smiles when she sees you sleepily walk into the kitchen still clutching your tiger stuffie. "Good Morning my little tiger." She says happily as she sets a plate of your favorite pancakes in front of you.

You both laugh when your stomach growls loudly when you see the food in front of you. Looking closer at the pancakes you clap your hands in glee at seeing that Natasha has cut the pancakes into little tiger cut outs. You can't help but let out a little squeal of excitement.

The redhead smiles big at seeing your reaction. She had found the metal cookie cutters in the children's section at the store; and thought it would be a great way to get you to eat if your food was cut into fun shapes.

Her theory was proven correctly as you ate every last bite on your plate. "Thank you Natty." You say in a quiet cute voice. You fidget with Tigey's ear as you ponder on the thoughts inside your head.

"What's wrong, detka?" Natasha asks as she looks at you worriedly.

You don't realize that you're biting your lip until you taste blood on your tongue. "I... I think I may be a little like Peter. I never was classified so I'm not sure. I mean I don't know if I want to be a little. If I am then everyone will treat me like I can't be a hero anymore. I won't be able to do missions anymore and I'll lose my job." You ramble on and on as you begin to hyperventilate and you can feel your body begin to glow a light blue.

"Whoah, whoah, whoah, calm down y/n. Just take one thing at a time. I need you to breathe with me." Natasha says as she pulls you closer to her. Her hands are holding your face as she guides you in a few breathing exercises.

It takes a bit but eventually you stop glowing and you're breathing calmer now. "Sorry Natty" you say in that small little voice that has been coming out more and more.

"No need to apologize. We would never see you any differently than we already see you. Many of us have had our suspicions of your classification. You don't have to be afraid of losing your job or us. Tony still lets Peter go out on missions and be a part of the team, they just have rules in place to keep Peter safe. Are you afraid of being a little because you think we will no longer want you?" Natasha asks you and frowns when you nod your head.

"Dr. Cho and Bruce ran the tests on me the other night. I just don't want to burden anyone. I don't want to burden you. I feel like a failure when my head goes small, like I can't take care of myself how I need to take care of myself. That's why I stopped eating and cooking, my head felt too small and I didn't know how to cook or go to the store. Why now? Why am I just now sinking into a little headspace?" You say as you try to look away from Natasha.

Natasha pulls you into her lap as she watches you sink deeper into a smaller headspace. She will have to talk to Bruce and Helen more about your classification. She was classified as a caregiver and it had always made her sad that she never was given a little to care for. She felt hopeful that perhaps you could be the little that she was always intended to care for. "It's okay my little tiger. We will figure things out. Do you want to watch some cartoons?"

You nod your head as you completely drop into a little headspace. Your thumb finds its way into your mouth as you begin to suck it. You're amazed when Natasha easily picks you up in her strong arms. You even feel smaller and lighter when you're in this headspace.

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