Alex's New Companion !! (Part-II)

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[Narrator]: Since my reincarnation, I've been tirelessly searching for any clues that might lead me to my father, but my efforts have been in vain. Frustrated, I turned my attention to understanding this peculiar world. It baffles me why its inhabitants are oblivious to their past lives or Earth itself.

I speculated that powerful entities might be tampering with memories, or perhaps the gatekeeper erased them. Yet, I lack the means to investigate further.

I've acquired intel about absolute beings revered as gods by humans here. They possess the power to annihilate entire planets. Among them are the Archons, a mysterious group of seven individuals. Little is known about them, except that sighting them often leads to death. Rumors suggest that if they were to combine their powers, they could challenge even the gods, though no proof supports this claim.

There are also lesser-known gods worshipped by the inhabitants of the Lost Island, known as the Island of Death. Their origins remain a mystery. Additionally, there are those who claim to be Descendants of Death. Some believe them to be gods of the dying, visible only to those near death. It's said that each one possesses enough power to rival the Archons, though I've found no evidence to support this.

[Alex]: Why are the Descendants of Death considered gods of death?

[Stranger]: What does death mean to you?

[Alex]: I'm not entirely sure, but I think it brings peace.

[Stranger]: You're partially correct. Here, death is seen as a release, freeing the soul from its burdens and granting eternal peace to mind, soul, and body. Those fortunate enough to encounter the Descendants of Death are considered blessed. But remember, perception is subjective. Truth is often obscured by individual perspectives.

[Alex]: People's opinions vary greatly.

[Stranger]: Indeed, you're quite an intriguing individual. Well, I must be off to work.

[Alex]: Goodbye, perhaps we'll meet again soon.

Both bid farewell and parted ways.

[Alex]: Another encounter, another piece of the puzzle. It matters little now; I've gleaned what I needed. This planet may be filled with magic and mythical beings, but it's not so different from my previous existence.

The belief that everything a god does is absolute truth showcases their foolishness. Humans are meant to obey those more powerful than themselves, perpetuating a cycle of subservience. There's more information to uncover, but I won't divulge how I obtained it.

There are schools in this world, commonly referred to as academies. One such prestigious institution is 'The Magic From Heavens,' though the name lacks flair.

So, let me fill you in on what's been happening. There's this legendary event called the Heavenly Tournament that's got everyone buzzing. The grand prize? None other than the fabled Excalibur. But here's the twist: turns out there aren't just one, but twelve of these Excalibur's, or as I like to call them, 'swords'. Imagine that! Apparently, if you gather all twelve, you can forge what they call the 'big-sword', the ultimate Excalibur. It's the stuff of legends, said to have the power to rend heaven and hell asunder, and maybe even challenge the gods themselves. But here's the kicker: no one's ever managed to gather all the pieces.

Now, why am I spilling all this? Because yours truly is right in the thick of it. Yeah, I signed up for the tournament too. But not just for the sword, mind you. No, I've got a bigger game plan. This tournament? It's the perfect cover for me to scope out the competition, see how strong everyone is, and maybe, just maybe, pick up a thing or two about magic along the way. Yeah, you h:eard me right. Magic. Sounds like something straight out of a fantasy novel, but who's to say it isn't real?

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