Carnival Day (Pt 2)

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Continuing from last time...

Pilby's Pov:
I see that Bive bought Split some flowers. I can tell by this point that Bive must really like Split a lot.
"Hey Bive!"
"Why'd you get Split those flowers?"
"Because I can why do you care?"
"Nothing hehe :0)"
"I'm probably gonna go home."
"Oh are you sure? :0("

Bive's Pov:
I knew this was the perfect time to give Split a kiss on the cheek. So I got myself prepared.
"Hey split?"
"Yes Bivey?"
"Ima go home okay? This was fun but I should go finish up my work."
"Oh alright! Bye Bivey!"
"Bye Splitsy."
I give Split a kiss on the cheek and I quickly walk away and I head home. I can't believe I did it and I start to think about how she reacted to that.
Split's pov:
Bive kissed me....i wonder why? I must admit I did like it...maybe she likes me and I don't jow that? I look at Pilby who was already looking at me.
" you like it? :0)"
"Yeah...I think I did."
"I think you should maybe ask her out!"
"What if she doesn't like me back..?"
"I'm sure she does!"
"Alright...I think I'm gonna head home too."
"Alright I'll go with you since my house isn't too far away from yours!"

I'll write more soon (PROMISE)

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