Prologue: Discover the Disappearance

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A/N: This story is a collab between me and HershMaster!

Be sure to follow her and check her story to understand everything!

Into the chapter!

-3rd P.O.V.-
-Beacon Academy-
-Day Time-

(At Beacon Academy, Ozpin has called Team RWBY and JNPR to give both teams his report...

An article can be seen on his screens, multiple news say:

"The Forgotten Knight has Vanished."

"The Disappearance of The Knight."

"Missing Knight, Vale is at Its Risk?"

After a brief moment of silence, Ozpin hears the elevator opening as he watches Team RWBY and JNPR.)

Ozpin: Good afternoon, Teams RWBY and JNPR.

Ruby: We came as soon as you mentioned it was about Y/N!

Jaune: Do you know where he is? We're all getting worried about his disappearance...

(Ozpin lets out a sad sigh.)

Ozpin: I'm afraid not...I have no evidences or clues to know where he could be...

Nora: We HAVE to find him! What if he got kidnapped?!

Phyrra: I say that is a probability...We all see what he can do.

Ren: But that doesn't make him unstoppable...

Ozpin: And which is why i have called you all.

(Ozpin shows both teams Y/N's last location back in the training arena before he got teleported away...

Team RWBY and JNPR were staring at the screen with pure shock, not expecting another magical problem happen in their backyard.)

Blake: He got teleported?

Weiss: That mysterious figure must be the culprit!

Ozpin: It is not confirmed the identify of that figure, but be aware of any harness coming in your way. Your mission is to find Y/N and bring him back here.

Ruby: You got it, Professor! He IS our boyfriend! *looks at her teammates* Right girls?

Yang: Hell yeah, sis!

Blake: Now it's our turn to save him.

Weiss: *smiles* I agree.

Ozpin: *to JNPR* Team JNPR?

Jaune: We'll help them to find Y/N. He is our friend, after all.

Nora: *punches her fist on the palm of her hand* No one gets away from kidnapping our Knight!

(Ren and Phyrra nod their heads with determination.)

Ozpin: Thank you, everyone...Before you leave, be sure to find a bullhead to fly all the way to Atlas.

Weiss: *confused* May i ask why, Professor?

Ozpin: General Ironwood will send his Operatives, Ace Ops, to assist you all.

(Both team nod their heads as they understand their headmaster's reason, soon they all re-enter inside the elevator to take them down to the ground floor...

Ozpin sighs once more before he stands up from his seat as he approaches toward the window, staring to the sky with pure concerned.)

Ozpin: *talking to himself* ...I hope Salem did not kidnap him...She isn't the type of living being to kidnap someone...

(The screen remains focus on the window with the sun shining in the sky...

Little thing he knows...

Team RWBY and JNPR are about to have a hell of a journey among their way...)

A/N: Short prologue, but that's how it ends this chapter!

Again, if you want to learn more, follow HershMaster and check their amazing story!


(RWBY collab story) The Forgotten facing The UnknownWhere stories live. Discover now