Chapter 2: Meeting the daughter...from another universe.

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-Day Time-
-3rd P.O.V.-

(The screen turns on, showing Team RWBY, JNPR and Ace Ops facing against an unknown team, which they were soon recognized as the intruders...

Team RWBY, especially Ruby, were staring at the demonic girl named Violet Snow, in complete shock when they heard her calling the red riding hood "Mom"...

As for Team SASI, Shoka and Ayame were trying to calm down their friend down while Silver and Inferno Jaune were on guard with their weapons in their hands.)

Ruby: D-Did she just called me "Mom"?!

(Weiss quickly turns to Ruby.)

Weiss: Has Y/N done it with YOU?!

(Ruby's face went beet red.)

Ruby: WE DIDN'T!!!

Yang: If that happened before her hitting teen age like us, i would've castrated him!

Clover: Focus, RWBY. We have bigger picture here.

(Harriet was about to rush toward Silver, but she was stopped by Clover's arm.)

Clover: Change of plan, we're not going for the kill.

Harriet: *shocked* But Clover! She's--

Silver: Hey!

(All the teams look at him.)

Silver: All we wanted is to find Violet! Now that she's here, let us go before she'll go nuts!

Inferno: And as for me...I'm just helping them.

(Jaune steps forward, staring at his own version from another universe in disbelief.)

Jaune: You...can use fire?

Inferno: ...What can you do?

Jaune: *sheepish* Uhm...Aura Transfer.

(Inferno seems to be intrigued by his "OG" version of himself.)

Inferno: That's really convenient...

(Jaune smiles proudly.)

Jaune: That's because a knight helped me to unlock my semblance.

(Clover simply smiled at the conversation, already knowing which knight Jaune was referring to.)

Harriet: Speaking of which, where is he?

Clover: Not in Atlas, that's for sure...

Ruby: Not even back at Beacon or Vale!

(Saki was curious of the conversation and decided to preach in.)

Saki: Who are you guys talking about?

Ruby: Our boyfriend, Y/N!

Jaune: And he's our friend.

Clover: As for us, he used to be one of us. Now i believe we can talk through.

(He then readies his fishing rod over his shoulder.)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23 ⏰

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