Chapter 1: Spotting...An Inferno?

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-3rd P.O.V.-
-Day Time-

(After their deployment to Atlas, Team RWBY and JNPR are seen inside an airship flying up above Mantle...

Both teams look at the kingdom with a smile on their faces knowing that Salem wasn't going to be a problem anytime soon.)

Ruby: To think that N/N suddenly disappeared out of nowhere, there HAS to be some sort of magic we don't know about!

Jaune: Besides from knowing the maidens, Salem's immortality and Ozpin's reincarnation, i think our best shot is to ask general Ironwood if he knows anything about it.

Phyrra: *smiles proudly* Precisely, Jaune! I'm genuinely impressed by your smartness!

(Jaune blushes at Phyrra's compliment as the others snickering at his embarrassment.)

Pilot: We're nearly there.

Ruby: Got it!

Atlas Base: *over comms* "Manta 1, you're on route to Main Bay. Passcode authorization, over."

Pilot: Passcode; Silver Eagle Actual. Over."

Atlas Base: "Passcode confirmed. Authorization for landing is approved, General Ironwood is expecting you to land. Over."

Pilot: Copy that. Manta 1 out.

(He then looks over both teams before he lands the airship)

Pilot: Alright, you know the drill. Go to General Ironwood's office and he'll take care of the rest from there, got it?

Ruby: Yes sir!

Jaune: Thanks for getting us here!

Pilot: Much obliged, kids. Good luck.

(After that, he lands the ship and opens the door for them to hop off...

Once it's opened, both teams hop off the Manta and started heading inside Atlas Academy to make their way to Ironwood's office.)

-Scene Change-
-Ironwood's Office-

(Inside the office in Atlas Academy, General Ironwood is seen sitting on his chair with Winter Schnee standing on his right while Penny Polendina standing on his left side...

However, the Ace Ops weren't present in the office, which it was unusual for them to not being in time...

Nonetheless, Team RWBY and JNPR are seen arriving in the office, staring at the general of Atlas Military and Headmaster of Atlas Academy.)

Penny: Salutations, Team RWBY and JNPR!

Ruby: Hi Penny! General Ironwood!

Ironwood: *smiles* I hope the flight wasn't giving much of a turbulence.

Jaune: Not at all, sir. We got here as soon as Ozpin sent us out.

(Winter and Weiss share a look before nodding at each other with a smile on their faces.)

Winter: Weiss.

Weiss: *smiles* Hi sister.

Ironwood: If you guys are wondering where the team Ace Ops is, they're currently engaging some activities.

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