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Welcome to the Information Section of Melted.

A quick heads up that this is a rewrite of my Unfinished Fanfic under the same name!

~Note before reading~

This story is a Bakugo x Male reader

This story uses the same physics as the anime, so they may be unrealistic.

Feel free to interact as a Nb/Fem Reader, but you are not welcome if you fetishized Mlm.


I realised before writing this that the hero course in MHA only allows 20 students per a class since reader will be in class 1A I have chosen to remove mineta. This includes reader filling any major rolls I can't just erase in the series that mineta filled (not including him being a pervert.) reader will not in any way represent how mineta acts. Mineta simply will be a concept that does not exist in this.

Another thing to note is that Reader is HEAVILY based off my MHA person Fin Hitori. Though reader himself will represent any male readers.


Heavy Gore

Body Horror


Dark Humor

Descriptions of Feeling sick/vomiting

Possible mentions of self harm

Heavily Descriptive writing of all of the above.

~Reader Info~

First Name: Y/N

Last Name: Tori

Height: Undefined

Appearance: Undefined

Sexuality: Undefined but into Men. (Possible suggestions of being bisexual.)

Quirk: Matter. Allows the user to change the state of matter of any non-living object. States of Matter include the 3 basic states and others.

Quirk Drawbacks: If quirk is overused (used on larger objects or too many times within a timespan) the flesh on the users hands with begin to melt. The users hands will return to normal after a period of time as long as the user avoids using their quirk.


This is a purely Male x Male fic. The Reader will not be with any character that is not male.

Possible suggestions of trans!masc kirishima.

Extremely Heavily autistic coded reader

~Do NOT Read if;~

You are Homophobic/Transphobic

You support/are a Pedophile

You are a Fetishizer

~Enjoy Reading!~

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