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There was a loud knock on my bedroom door. No... I'm not getting up. Still too tired.
A few minutes passed.
Another knock.
I pull the covers over my head. A few more minutes won't hurt.
Another knock. This time followed by the door opening. Like every morning I hear the familiar voice of Uta.... More well known as my mother.... Or, adoptive mother to be specific.
"Cmon (M/N)... you need to wake up at some point. It's almost time for school. That friend of yours is already waiting outside." She spoke softly.
I open my eyes just enough to see her. She was leaning on the doorframe. Looking the same as always. Dark brown hair tied back into a bun, the warm color matching her slightly tanned skin. That same black sweater she always wore.
I let out a soft groan, rolling over. I don't want to wake up yet...
I hear the noise of fabric brushing against itself as Uta opened the curtains, flooding the room with the morning sunlight. Too bright.
I close my eyes again, the sudden brightness stinging my eyes.
"...yeah?" I finally respond.
"...cmon sweetie. It's time to wake up... you gotta get ready for school. It's Friday so you'll have the weekend off to laze around... plus, like I said before, that friend of yours is already waiting outside. Yknow, Mitsuki's kid?"
I let out a soft sigh, sitting up. I kept my eyes closed though. The sun was too bright, outside was too loud...
"There we go.." she spoke.
Despite my eyes being closed... I could tell she was smiling. That same Motherly smile as always. I could never tell if I enjoyed it or not whenever she smiled like that. It was nice having someone there, but something about it never felt correct. Maybe my minds just playing tricks on me.
I rub my eyes, slowly opening them.
Just as I thought... there's that smile.
"Start getting ready, I'll be downstairs." Uta said before leaving the room, closing the door behind her.
I sighed softly, finally getting out of bed. I looked at the time... 7:32. Though we won't be late... Katsuki's probably still going to bitch about me sleeping in.
I probably don't have time to shower... it's fine. I showered last night anyways. I slipped on my uniform... I hate the collar on this jacket... it brushes against my jaw too much.
I grabbed my bag, tossing my phone, along with my headphones in. I put the bag over my shoulder before leaving the room, not bothering to fix my hair. It probably looks fine anyways.
As I reached the bottom of the stairs, like every morning I saw Katsuki waiting in the entryway.
"Dumbass. What took you so long?" He spoke, the same harsh tone as always... but there was genuine care behind it.
"I think I just forgot to set my alarm—" I replied, ending my sentence with an involuntarily yawn. He let out a soft 'tch', rolling his eyes. "As always. Let's get going already."
He grabbed my wrist, pulling me along with him. Just before the front door closed I could hear Uta shout to us. "Have fun you two!"
As we walked down the sidewalk, I could feel Katsuki's eyes focused on me... more than normal. "Are you alright katsu—"
"Did you not brush your hair or some shit?" He cut me off.
"No.. why?"
He immediately stopped in his tracks, putting both hands on my shoulders to force me to look at him. "It looks like shit. That's why." He sighed in annoyance. His fingers slowly brushed through my hair, the movements gentle. Being careful as he fixed each strand. As harsh as Katsuki was... his touch was always comforting.
"There. You can't rely on me all the time to make sure you look somewhat presentable."
"Mm... I thought it looked fine..."
"Then you thought wrong."
I smiled slightly as we continued walking, though my smile soon faded when I remembered where we were headed. At least school was somewhat bearable with Katsuki around.

(!!! First Part finally published! Melted Remake is officially being written :3!)

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