💥Part 2💥

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As I leaned back into the my chair I tried my best to block out the surrounding noise. Everyone in this classroom is too damn loud.... Only quiet person here is that Midoryia kid, or 'deku' as Katsuki calls him. He's bearable to be around but if Katsuki saw me anywhere near him outside of class he'd probably get pissed. I'm not sure what Katsuki has against that kid... but based on his answers whenever I ask.... I assume something big must've happened. They use to hang out all the time as kids...
Hm...? The class is quiet... ah. The teacher is here.
I watched as he stepped towards the front of his room, clearing his throat to get the attention of the few students who have yet to notice him.
"So, as third year students... it's time to start thinking seriously about your futures and what you want to do with your lives!" He spoke harshly.
"I could pass out some carrier tests, but why bother? I know you all want to become pro heros!"
The class grew loud with students talking to one another, showing off their quirks. Though they quickly quieted down again as the teacher spoke once more.
"Yes yes, you all got some very impressive quirks. But no power usage in school! Get ahold of yourselves."
The moment I saw Katsuki open his mouth I knew things were about to go south.
"Heh teach! Don't put me in with this bunch of losers! I'm the real deal! But these guys will be lucky to end up as a sidekick to some busted shit hero."
Just as I expected, all eyes were on him. Students practically steaming with anger as they all spoke up.
"You think you're better than us bakugo?!"
"Let's go! I'll take you all on!" He replied in that cocky tone.
"Huh. You've got some impressive test results, maybe you will get into UA." The teacher finally spoke up.
He wasn't wrong... despite Katsuki's.... Attitude... he's physically strong... and knows how to use his quirk well.
"What?! No way! That school has such a low acceptance rate! It's basically impossible to get in!" A student spoke up.
"That's exactly why it's the only place worthy of me!"
Katsuki stood up, slamming both hands onto the desk.
"I aced the mock exam, I'm one of the only students at this school who stands a chance of getting into UA! I'll end up more popular than All Might himself, and be the richest hero of all time! People all across the world will know who I am, and it all starts with UA high!"
There was a small silence in the room before the teacher spoke up, not even acknowledging Katsuki's monologues. "Oh yeah, Midoryia and Tori... don't you two want to go to UA aswell?"
Why'd he have to put attention on me... eh. They all seem more focused on Deku.
The students immediately burst into noise, the majority being laughter aimed towards Deku.
"Midoryia?! You're kidding right?"
"At least Tori actually has a quirk! But you?"
"There's no way you'll get into the hero course without a quirk!"
Deku spoke up, stuttering over almost every single word. "Well actually— th-they got grid of that r—r-rule! I could be the first one....?"
He didn't seem too confident in his words.
I cover my ears the moment I notified the sparks in Katsuki's hands.
His palm slammed against the desk, an explosion ringing out from the impact causing deku to fall back in his chair. Katsuki leaned down, a cocky smirk on his face.
"Listen up Deku. You're even worse than the rest of these damn rejects you quirkless wannabe! You really think they'd let someone like you in, when they could have me?!" Despite his grin, there was pure hatred in his eyes.
"Wh— huh?! No! Wait you've got it all wrong! Really! I'm not trying to compete against you or anythi—" Deku was immediately cut off when he backed up so much his head hit the wall.
"It's just.... I wanted to be a hero since I was a little kid.... I may not have a quirk but I can still try my hardest, can't I?" He looked up at Katsuki as if silently pleading for mercy. "You'd never be able to hand out with the best of the best! Good die in the exams! Defenseless izuku~" he teased. "This school is already crappy! You really want to embarrass it even more by failing so hard?!"
His smirk fell as he glared at Deku. He took a step forward but before he could do anything the dismissal bell went off.
"Alright alright... class dismissed. Make sure to grab the homework packet on your way out."
I let out a soft sigh. Despite it being the weekend... of course we have homework. I stood up, grabbing my bag and walking over to Katsuki.
"You ready to go?" I spoke. He looked up at me for a moment, his eyes trailing over to deku a second later. His eyes narrowed before he responded. "Wait outside. I'll be there in a minute."
I tilted my head. "Hm? If you need to stay back for something I don't mind waiting here you know..."
"Just shut up and wait outside."
"Mm... fine... if you're sure about it."
I hesitated just a second before heading out of the classroom. I made my way out front of the school. Letting out yet another sigh I sat on the ledge of a small Koi pond. I looked at the fish for just a second before pulling out my phone, plugging in my headphones. Relaxing my shoulders, I put the playlist on shuffle. As always skipping the first few songs.
Though my moment of relaxation was quickly cut short as something hit the back of my head before falling into the pond, causing water to splash onto my back. I let out a groan of annoyance, taking off the black jacket of my uniform, leaving just the white undershirt. Thing the jacket around my waist I looked to see what had hit my head.
Is this.... Deku's notebook..? The hell happened to it..? It's all burnt. Actually... where did it even come from..
I look up at the side of the building. The window to the classroom was open...
So that's why Katsuki wanted to stay back.
I picked up the notebook, flipping through the soaked pages as best as I could. Most the notes were unintelligible due to the ink leaking. Though I could recognize a few of the drawings... all might... endevour... is that the new hero girl.... What was her name... Mt.Lady...?
Eh. Doesn't matter. I set the notebook on the edge of the water.
I looked down at my phone, scrolling through notifications before I was quickly interrupted yet again by the hand on my shoulder. I looked to see, and as expected it was Katsuki. He didn't say anything as he harshly grabbed my wrist, dragging me along. I didn't say anything at first until I noticed we weren't going the usual direction.

(:3 part 2!!!!! Sorry if ending is a bit sudden TwT)

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